A New Superstar Power Cord

I am not wont to gush over audio components or cables. I have been involved in audiomania too long and have seen too many stars of today evaporate the next week. But I do have to gush about a PC I just bought new for full price -- the LessLoss DFPC Reference. I have no relationship whatsoever with LessLoss, other than having owned the original DFPC and then a few Sigs.

20 minutes out of the box, connected to my preamp, and I am very impressed -- and after some 40 years as an audiophile, I do not impress easily. More to follow after I experiment with different sources and longer burn-in, but there is an IMMEDIATELY audible sense of greater quietude, more natural and "present" voices, and greater, more organic instrumental detail. And the LessLoss Ref cord replaced one of the stars in the PC firmament, which lists for 2.5x the price. This could be a game changer. I thought the DFPC Signature was a great PC, but the Ref is an entirely new dimension. It is also a physically beautiful cord, and aesthetics count. Kudos to Louis Motek., the designer, who also is a perfect gentleman to deal with.

For $1,824, I feel a bit larcenous! I need to calm down.

Thanks Neal, enjoy! 
I saw a used one for sale for  $795, and was thinking about grabbing it, but it sold quickly. Maybe next time. 
@nglazer , Neal, are you still living happily with your LessLoss Reference cords?
Jafox, I am not going to sale none of the Tara labs cables I own, LOL!, I collect them, The reason I said ride off into the sunset, I do not know about you, I plan to get off the merry go round of audio when I obtain all that I need for the main system, The reality is when I am satiesfied believeing I own One of the best systems to my ears, I'm done!, does not matter what the next best cable or componet is, I rather spend my money at that point, Else where!,I am formost a builder, Been one of the best I know of, I spend less money and get better results than most people out there, regardless If my cables retail for HUGE money, I never pay retail for anything audio, cheers Jafox
I can ride off into the sunset, and care less what's better in 10 years!
Yeah sure, until the next Tara Labs cable comes along and then you can blast off to Mars.

To bad though that Tara Labs is totally unaffordable. Even their cheapest models cost more then most audio components.
Yes, that's how it is with 4-5x markup retail. If you want to get somewhat back to reality, may I suggest that you keep your eyes open for used Silent Source or Stealth cables. These are great bang-for-the-buck product lines.
you can get some deals on used Tara labs "The One" interconnects and speaker cables here on audiogon from time to time, this is a good all around performance cable, there is better, but this cable is really good and musical.
To bad though that Tara Labs is totally unaffordable. Even their cheapest models cost more then most audio components.
Good for me, I am going to buy the Tara labs Evolution Omega power cord, At that level of performance, I can ride off into the sunset, and care less what's better in 10 years!
07-23-14: Tbg
Audiolabyrinth, good for them.

07-23-14: Nglazer
Not saying there are no other champions; can only comment on what I have and actually have heard.

Well said Norm and Neal. Let's try to keep all comments to cords we have actually heard.

I'm glad that you are enjoying the LessLoss Reference cord Neal. I hope to be able to listen to one someday.
As the originator of this increasingly rambunctious and off-message thread, I will note that after about 75-100 hours, the LessLoss Ref PC has imposed an almost eerie black silence on the background to music, such that vocals and acoustic instruments have an ethereal realism and presence. Listening to Eric Andersen's Blue River put me back in The Bitter End in the late '60's.
These puppies are the real thing. Not saying there are no other champions; can only comment on what I have and actually have heard.

I did not say I heard them!, I said they are the new super star power cords based on what I have heard from Tara labs, these cords to be better than the standard cobalt power cord I have would be to me astounding!, do you have exsperience with top tier Tara labs power cords?, If you do not,why are you commenting to the begin with?, LOL!, I own,, the previous top power cable from Tara, now they have three new suppose to be better cords, and with my exsperience, Tara labs has never introduced a cable they claim is better, and the cable did not perform to expectations, that has NEVER happened in the History of their company!
I'm not the one proclaiming new super star cords that he hasn't even heard yet. For most normal people, hearing is believing, but for you, just follow Tara Labs blindly. It's so funny it's sad.

At least wait until the cords are out until you proclaim them the best. Then you can pretend that you heard them and they were awesome! Your subjectivity is unparallelled.
While I hesitate to post it, I wish I had been at The 2nd AE Super HI End Audio Show on July 12, 2014. Read the details of what was in the system and what the sound was like. Read: http://audioexotics.hk/index.php?option=com_simplestforum&view=postlist&forumId=1&parentId=11635&topic=true&Itemid=53 These exotic power cords apparently did the job.
These cables are HOt off the press!, they have not even made it to the Tara Labs internet site, what's so funny about that, you are a weird dude!
07-22-14: Audiolabyrinth
The new super star power cords- The new Tara Labs Cobalt Referance, The new Evolution Omega power cord, The New Evolution Grandmaster power cord.

LOL!! Ever the comedian!!! You crack me up Keith!!
The new super star power cords- The new Tara Labs Cobalt Referance, The new Evolution Omega power cord, The New Evolution Grandmaster power cord.
I agree with Budburma, the Triode Wire Labs 7 Plus power cord is very good and costs about $500. In my opinion it competes with several power cords that cost 4 X the dollar amount, and it's made in the USA. I like the way it's built and the look/feel factor.

As Ozzy had mantioned the The Mad Scientist “NEO” Power cord from New Zealand is also very good, costs about $500 and also competes with several power cords that cost 4 X the dollar amount. Looks/feel wise I'm not as pleased.

I have not as of yet directly compared the two (7+ / NEO) head to head.
I'd love to hear the LessLoss DFPC Reference.

I will look forward to your impressions. Please note that in my experience, in can take at least 25-50 hours for it to open up. Mine have about 50-75 now and are really sounding groovy!

Another update on the CH Acoustic X-20: I am now plugging my components directly into the wall. Compared to the HiDiamond P4 on my digital source, the X-20 is the clear winner. It offers better dynamics, better detail, and a more open soundstage.

On my integrated amp, the HiDiamond P4 is the best sounding cord I have heard so far, but it is definitely more forgiving and bass heavy in my system than any other cord I have tried to date. Overall, I get the impression that the P4 may be best suited for bright or lean sounding components or systems.

I am still waiting for my loaner of the LessLoss Reference cord from the Cable Company. I look forward to finally hearing it this weekend.
Ah - wondered what they were going to be. Read your review on AA. Very cool. It was interesting that your review came shortly after the gushing review of it's baby brother - that thread was locked. No action yet. ;-)


Oh boy, I now have 7 of these cords.
... my review of these power cords will be posted Monday...
In a couple of weeks I will be posting a review of a power cord that has trumped all others that I have tried and is less than $500. It goes beyond wire gauge, wire type, twisting, shielding etc. Truly amazing.

I have not auditioned or compared the HD P4 to any other cable. I bought the LL Ref based on prior experience with LL cables and I am happier every day that I did. I am sure the P4 is excellent but there are only so many hours in the day.

The Valhalla PC is almost the equal of the LL Ref in the sense that they are both superior cords and I can (and have) lived happily with the Valhalla. But the Valhalla is not quite as "natural" sounding as the LL Ref and on my Main Rig, a little too "full bodied." Never thought I would say that about Valhalla, but true for the PC.


Neil, didn't you post a new thread about the HiDiamond P4 vs Valhalla recently? Did you had the chance to compare it to the LL Ref in any system? I am using some P4s in my main system in a mix with Valhallas with very good result. The HD P4 is not as fast as the Valhalla but trumps it in most domains.
Like the other 99.x% audiophiles, I can't contemplate about the HFC magnetic versions unless I swap everything for. e.g. a tubed and DSD native version of the Devialet Premier, fed by a battery driven Sony HAPZ1ES V2 with digital out.
I am sure there are many PC's out there that will "crush" whatever other PC any of us have ay any given nanosecond, and we drive ourselves crazy enough with IC's, PC's, speaker cables, digicables, etc. All I know is the LL Ref now has 100 hrs on it and my system has never sounded more natural or more "alive." So I will stay with this lover for a while as we get to know each other better, although there may be greater beauties out there.

That said, I am interested in the High Fidelity PC's as I find the IC to be a game-changer, but they are not even remotely affordable new.

A small update on my CH Acoustics X-20 demo. The system sounded a tad polite and bass shy when I was using one of the two demo X-20s between my Bel Canto transport and my BPT power conditioner. I decided to try plugging the CH X-20 directly from the Bel Canto into the wall, and the resulting sound is more open and extended. I am still not sure I will prefer the X-20 to the HiDiamond P4, but now it's a closer contest. I will say the X-20 is an extremely accurate sounding cord. I don't think it is going to add warmth or tone down a bright system.

I am still waiting for the Lessloss and Silent Source demos from the Cable Company. So I may have to make a purchase decision based on memory, since my 14-day trial of the X-20s ends early next week.
Mcondon, you said,"how system dependent power cords and all cables really are." I think it works both ways. I am amazed at how much inexpensive components are on the cables that you use. Presently I'm using nearly $20k worth of cables including power cords on a BMC PureDac($1780) and getting sound that is far better than I used to get out of a $30k dac.
Mccondon, I just received a new X-20 demo power cord yesterday (6/5) and just put it on my CDP. So far I am impressed, but I agree all power cords, interconnects and speaker cables are somewhat system dependent.
I would love to compare the X-20 to the HD P-4 and the Lessloss Reference power cord. Please keep us posted on this Forum!
Anyone own a HD P-4 and/or the Lessloss Reference power cord living some where close to Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 and want me to bring the X-20 over for a listen and comparison in your system?
I am demoing the CH Acoustic X-20 now. Despite all the good word of mouth, I am not finding them to be all that special so far...not terrible at all, but not strikingly better than many other cheaper cords I have lying around. Considering the price, I expected to be much more impressed by this cord. I recently bought a used HiDiamond P4 -- based on all the Audiogon forum "buzz" -- that I am surprised to say I like a lot better. I am slated to receive a loaner of the Lessloss Reference cord from the Cable Company next week.

My experience just confirms how system dependent power cords and all cables really are.
cH Acoustics x-20 is another one that can be called superstar. Strongly recommended
I paid $3.50 for a bottle of water the other day, so there you go. It was very tasty water! I wonder what was in there?

The LA CLipper's just went for $2B I heard. I hope teh acoustic's in there are good. :^)
It would be interesting to see what the dc signal coming out of all power supplies looks like. Frankly, I am shocked by the impact of power cords. When I still had an oscilloscope, I could see many deviations from a 60 sinusoidal wave.
Now there is much more EMI and RFI in our environment. So expensive well conceived power cords are just part of our price to pay for cell phones, WiFi, and cheap power companies modulating communications on our power cables.
$1,824 for a PC? Well, there was a time when I would have been shocked. But, since I just paid $1,450 for a new, 2m run of Cardas Golden Reference bi-wire speaker cable (which is now considered a "legacy product"), I guess I am no longer one to pass judgment. Still, are most of us nuts to pay 4 figures for wire? I wonder ...
Well done Neal.

my reference PC is easily the Stage III Concepts offered by Brian @ Aaudio Imports. This is one serious PC guys!
If you get any opportunity- get yourself an audition.
Nglazer, no I have not. There must be 2000 different power cords out there. I doubt if anyone has heard 1% of them, but less doing a comparison of several.
Ptss and Tbg,

Have you compared the LL Ref to the cords you list, under whose sonic (and perhaps physical) weight I surely will be crushed? I am always interested in the actual auditory comparisons others make.

Ptss, I would add many pcs to that list including the Crystal Absolute Dream, the Stage III Kraken, and the High Fidelity Ultimate Reference Rhodium, among others.

A good buy for the money is a much more difficult assessment.
Absolutely "do not" compare it to an MIT Oracle AC2. You will feel "crushed".
To my knowledge the only place you can purchase the power cord from is the manufacturer and the retail price is not discounted. If I'm wrong then someone please correct me?
At least one set of reviewers heard the same dramatic improvements that I did with the LL Ref PC's. From the 6Moons review in the current (no pun intended) edition:

"In conclusion we have to say that the LessLoss DFPC Reference is completely true to its nomination [as a reference]. Once this cable is used in combination with a source, the complete system benefits more than a new piece of equipment will achieve."

These reviewers are not wont to dispense with gratuitous encomiums, and in fact cited a deficiency in measured test results when first measuring noise allowed by this PC. (The designer effectively explains the anomalous results in a post-script to the review.) So, for about $1800 new and delivered, I think these PC's are one of the greatest values in the high end audio realm. (Again, I have no direct or indirect financial interest in LL.)

This ends my public service announcement!

A person can get such a euphoric response with any number of power cords/brands. I have been through literally dozens, and the variance in performance between them is surprising.
Thanks for the clarification and update.
I appreicate it. Sounds awesome!