12 wire compared to Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cable?

This week I will get my new (to me) Denon 697ci to drive my Polk 8-T monitors. I have been using heavy gauge (12) speaker wire, but have a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cables coming. Will these cables sound any better than heavy speaker wire?


Could be an honest question posted by a new to Audiogon, slightly inexperienced, music lover.

I clicked on his profile. The OP is a brand new AGON member who only joined up nine days ago; and this is his 2nd post.,

Assuming that it was a legit post, then we’ve collectively laid it out for him that his approach is not a happy ending. Maybe, we jurors in the AGON Court of Public Opinion, collectively can cut him a bit of slack for an honest but very poor choice on the newbie learning curve .

..just sayin’,…


(a) There is a lot of experience and knowledge chiming in here.

(1) The $$$$ NORDOST cables are not a silver bullet fix for you in your current system

(2) If you still wanna keep them, then we strongly recommend that you first consider upgrading your system (…electronics AND speakers…) as budgets permit.

(3) So …. Read, Learn and then choose wisely,, sir.

The only way to know will be to invest in better fuses…those are holding you back…

I can't tell if the original post is a well played and thought out trolling adventure...or if @ristrettox6 actually spent $700 on speaker cables for gear that can be found for less than $250.


If a sly rib-tickler about the hilarious prices people spend on cables...Touché!


If absolutely straight-faced serious...I'd suggest making a doctor's appointment.

The system is clearly not revealing enough to even consider such an expenditure. Maybe monster cable speaker wire available at Walmart. No joke.

Bizarre. Did you actually spend over $1000 on speaker cables with a $60 amp receiver and $350 speakers? @akg_ca gave you the lowdown above.


+1…but with a big qualifier;

(A) it’s trending IMO as a poor $$ investment proportionally to invest in the NORDOST option cuz it may be a large disproportional excess outlay in this system.“ Price is what you pay, Value is what you get, “ Warren Buffett

(B) Without prejudice to (A) above, the hoped for significant audio performance improvement from upgrading to the NORDOST cables in your system is likely nominal at best .

Bsckground Issues IMO:

- it sounds like the current CU-12 “ heavy gauge” cable is not up to a premium OCC grade cable (Y/N?) But it is budget friendly as its primary choice driver, correct?

-Automatically selecting audio cable “heavy gauge” options in isolation over a thinner gauge is meaningless as a key determinant in audio performance proposed improvements .

- a quick scan on the web kicks out EBay ads for the speakers at $350, and ads for the receiver at under $300. (Y/N?) If so…then the prevailing rule of thumb philosophy of an investment in audio cables of say, 10% ( max 20%) of the system, is proportionally modest too ….. Ergo, this excludes the NORDOST BLUE HEAVAN cables with their pricepoint alone likely exceeding the FMV of the rig combined . If so, then Simply put, IMO it’s overkill to your wallet , and an audio performance uptick likely won’t be there to the degree you hoped for.

MY TAKE: Choose wisely.

An A-B bakeoff to compare and validate required, if you are still committed cheerfully to fork out the not-insignificant added cash for NORDOST. The degree of their audio improvements - if any - in YOUR SYSTEM (a fine but important distinction) - might actually be enough for you.  But only you can weigh and decide ….. Carry on,


It would be important to know your components. What will sound better is partially a dependent on if your system will sound better by hiding or revealing attributes and whether tipping the tonal balance or keeping it neutral sounds better.

But knowing almost nothing about your system or tastes in sonic characteristics, my guess is Nordost.


Tell us what happens after your speakers are fully broken in.