12 wire compared to Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cable?

This week I will get my new (to me) Denon 697ci to drive my Polk 8-T monitors. I have been using heavy gauge (12) speaker wire, but have a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cables coming. Will these cables sound any better than heavy speaker wire?


Showing 10 responses by roxy54

As others have said, it is very hard to believe that you thought that genuine Nordost cables would be that cheap. If they were, everyone would own a set.


All very pretty, but you still didn't answer the question. Did you know they were fake, and if so, why didn't you say it from the beginning?


I understand that you were badly treated by some here, but my question is didn't you know that genuine Nordost cables were much more expensive?


There's no shame in buying cables from aliexpress, (at least I don't think that there is) but why didn't you admit that from the beginning? Didn't you think that it was pretty important to say that they were fakes?