
Responses from zd542

HELP Best speakers btw 1000$ and 3000$. Real tests
If you like the sound of planer speakers but don't want to deal with any of negatives that come along with them, like me, you can't go wrong with a pair of Vandersteen's. For $2000 you can get a pair of Model 2's. The big advantage is that you get... 
System Upgrades
Its hard to recommend something without knowing what type of speakers you have. That said, I would probably go with a new preamp first and then the amp. 
Pre-amp for Rowland Model 102
You can't go wrong with the Ayre K5. I can't think of anything else I would pick at that price point. If you can go a little more, the Aesthetix is excellent as well. You won't regret either one. For me personally, I feel Ayre makes the best solid... 
Passive biamping question
Kr4Sorry, but I just noticed your last comment. I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying passive biamping is what I'm calling vertical biamping? 
Static electricity Killin me.
Use a remote control. 
Focal Utopia Micro BE setup help
Going by the info you list in your post, I don't understand why you're not very good imaging. Your speakers should image at least as well as the other speakers you list. I was almost certain that you had a phase issue. The only other things I can ... 
How do I smooth out violins?
This post is to hopefully clarify my other post where I mentioned Cardas and Audioquest cables. By some of the responses by other posters, I don't feel I did a very good job at getting my point across. Here's something I should have said: In my op... 
Looking for a very good integrated solid state amp
Ryder,I understand what you are saying but my comment/question was meant only for the Ayre 7. Airegin states specifically that theres "extra stuff" in the signal path. I just called him on it because its simply not true and he either doesn't know ... 
Focal Utopia Micro BE setup help
I also agree with checking phase first. Its a very common mistake when setting up an audio system. Just reverse the speaker cables on 1 of your speakers and then listen to vocals that normally have a center image. You will know immediately if that... 
Looking for a very good integrated solid state amp
"With different speakers the AX7e may have been purchased as it was more versatile, although the extra stuff in the signal path circuit of the Ayre can degrade sound quality. Audiophiles love to say what matters most is sound quality, but I've met... 
Looking for a very good integrated solid state amp
For me, it would be Ayre, no question. 2nd choice would be Sim. I would also consider a used BAT 300 and a Creek Dynasty. All of the ones I list are very good sounding but they also sound very different from each other. 
I’m looking for suggestions for a tube Pre Amp
I would look at an older BAT or Sonic Frontiers. A VTL 2.5 is excellent as well. 
I’m looking for suggestions for a tube Pre Amp
New or used? 
How do I smooth out violins?
Brownsfan,I wasn't trying to single you out in any way. I didn't go back and reread every single comment, but I thought I saw several poster recommend Cardas; that's why I used it. Also, if you take another look at my post, you'll see that I didn'... 
How do I smooth out violins?
I've said from the beginning in my first post that if the problem is equipment related that I would look first to the preamp. I stand by this recommendation. I think that its worth stating again, though, that you need to look for the RIGHT preamp,...