
Responses from zd542

Budget TV to Amp interconnects?
I don't think it will be money well spent. An entry level cable from a company like Monster should be more than enough. I wouldn't go higher than $25-$30. 
Converting FLAC to WAV and keeping tags?
"As a psychologist by trade, I have no doubt the difference I'm "hearing" could be illusory. Never the less..."Andrew,Its just my opinion/advice, but don't doubt yourself. Currently, there are a lot of people getting into audio by way of computer.... 
win7 music player
iTunes dosen't support FLAC. I don't like JRiver either. Like you said, it sounds good but its not fun to use.Heres a list of some free players you can download and try. Clementine, Songbird, Amarok, Foobar, Quod Libet, Banshee. I'm pretty sure th... 
Help me put a system together for my son
That amp should be more than enough for the speakers you are going to use. Fotre was designed by Pass as a more affordable alternative to some of his higher priced equipment. I have no idea as to what its worth or if it needs to be recapped. I wou... 
PreAmp recomendation please...
I have a Calypso. If you didn't like the Rhea, then why would you consider it? They do share a similar sound. Also, I would add 2 more brands to your list; CJ and BAT. They both make extremely good preamps that you will probably like. 
Converting FLAC to WAV and keeping tags?
I'm not an expert on this but I do have some experience. FLAC is very good for tagging (metadata). I know that WAV format doesn't have all of the tagging features of FLAC. Its a very common problem that people have when working with WAV music file... 
One more time: autoformers?
Are you looking for a comparison on output transformers vs autoformers, or autoformers vs not using either? 
Brand Longevity
Taters,What do you mean by boutique brands? Can you give some examples of the brands that you consider Boutique and some that are not? 
Unsatisfied with Esoteric K-01: Alternatives?
You may want to look at a Cary 306. If you want something really musical, the 306 is a very good choice. 
What's the dif bewteen Vandersteen 2CE and 2CE Sig
I haven't heard the 2CE in a long time I can't comment on the difference between the two. Another option I would consider is having your speakers updated to Sig 1 status. 
Joseph Audio RM22XL
I've heard them a few times. I don't have enough experience with them for a full review, but I did find the HF's to be a little bright. 
Cartridge gain overload - please explain
Mark,Just wondering if you made any progress with your system? If so, what did you do? 
Help me put a system together for my son
I agree with Warrenh on the YBA. That should be a very good match for the MMG. Like he says, though, you probably won't find one unless you get lucky. 
Theta Compli used as a CD Player? internal DAC
I've never liked Theta CD players. To me, they sound very lifeless. I would definitely look at other players, as well. I had a 640V2 and thought it was very good for the money. Of the CD players you list, that would be my first choice.That said, I... 
What should I be auditioning?
Given your price range, you would have a hard time getting something better that a pair of Vandersteen Model 2's.