
Responses from zd542

Tube pre, SS amp incompatibility, which amp 2 use?
I think I just answered your other post. Basically, I asked you for more info on your system. I see that you provide it here. The DNA 1 is a pretty straightforward amp. It should work with just about anything out there. If you have a preamp that i... 
Mackie 824's
When you say add to your 824's, I assume you mean add the 15 inch bin to your system. Of course you can. 
Which SS amp with the Jolida Music Envoy?
Can you explain what you mean when you say not compatible? 
Classe' CAP-151,are there reliability issues?
I had a Classe preamp that had to go back to Canada 2x for warranty. I bought it new and the unit was not that old when I had problems with it. Classe makes some good sounding products, but nothing that you can't get from another brand. I would ju... 
VPI Scout Question
Don't get B stock anything. Unless the price has gone up on the Scout, you should be able to get it with a 10x5 for what you are looking to spend. Another option you may want to consider is getting a Dynavector 20 low output version and a Dynavect... 
dac with digital & analog out puts
If a DAC has digital outputs, its not a DAC. 
what dimensions for a 12” sb cr77 subwoofer?
If it were that easy, everyone would make their own. Companies put years of R & D into developing these type of things. Theres no way that you will be able to build anything that even comes close to a professional design. Something tells me yo... 
Best AV receiver to use as an AV pre amp
I wouldn't do it. You need a really good preamp for stereo. There's no way around it. Not only would I not use the preamp section of a receiver, I wouldn't use a HT preamp as well. I've tried it before and they just don't sound that good for music... 
New amp for B&W 803s - Classe or Mac or ???
I didn't mean to be too direct and to the point, but if you haven't guessed, B&W is somewhat of a sore spot with me. I could barely stay seated while reading your post. I tried everything with those speakers. The upside is, I leaned more about... 
New amp for B&W 803s - Classe or Mac or ???
There's only one way you can fix your problem. And that is to get rid of your 803's. I'm not guessing on this. I know from experience. There's just no fixing that aluminium tweeter. If you try to find components that will be used as an EQ, plan on... 
Beware of 'Ghost Switching'
I can think of 2 things. 1. If your remote is RF, other remotes can effect it. You don't have to have line of sight. That said, I'm pretty sure CJ doesn't use RF. 2. This is definitely a long shot, but it is possible. If you have an IR remote, its... 
Brand Longevity
Taters,Thanks for the clarification. I agree 100%. You make an excellent point.Donjr,Going by your posts, it looks like you didn't like the Ayre 7 integrated. I'm a big Ayre fan myself and know their products well. You should absolutely demo the 5... 
Bookshelf speakers for $500
"Are loud and accurate mutually exclusive? Accuracy is definitely more important"As funny as it sounds, thats really a subjective matter. Even the best audio systems are so far from accurately reproducing the live event, it seems like we will wait... 
Converting FLAC to WAV and keeping tags?
Ivan,I wasn't trying to push that info on you in any way, I was just going by what seems to me, is popular opinion. Nothing more. I also forgot to mention one other format. Apple lossless. A lot of people seem to really like that one as well. If y... 
Converting FLAC to WAV and keeping tags?
No offence at all to Ivan, but I think that Doggiehowser is right on that. Most people who do hear a difference like WAV better. I'm not saying they are right, but that its just seems to be popular opinion. For myself, I haven't done enough seriou...