
Responses from zd542

Spikes or Feet
Yes and No. Yes, I would go with spikes on the speakers. For your electronics, I would use cones. If you can find them used, my favourite is Polycrystal. If not, DH are excellent, as well.No, I wouldn't give Warrenh my address (Or any other person... 
Sound Smith Retip of DV 20X2 Cartridge
I wouldn't go for the upgrade on a HO 20x. All things being equal, moving from the HO to LO cart is a big step up in SQ. Personally, I would want that advantage before I would invest in an upgrade. 
Hooking up DEQ2496 with USB DAC?
I have one too. Its incredible how much stuff they put into that little box for such a low price. Weather you should get one or not depends on how what you need it to do. I use mine to try and make poor recordings listenable on my main system that... 
Sound Smith Retip of DV 20X2 Cartridge
Do you have the low or high output version? 
Is a Sonic Frontier Power 2 a "differential amp"
What did you have in mind for the amp? I've heard it many times back when it was in production. Its very well made. Weather its the right amp for you really depends what you like and how you will use it. 
Ayre D to A
Its not as good as your 5 but still very good. I assume that you want to use it in some type of computer audio system. You can't go wrong with it but, with your equipment, you'll have to be careful to get it all right. What I mean by that is don't... 
ProAc , Focal and Vienna acoustic
"I audition ProAc D18 , D28. Focal chorus 826W and Vienna acoustic Beethoven baby grand. Any suggestion which one is more accurate, neutral and with good bass and room friendly , my listening room is about 10 ft x 12ft. My budget is around $4000."... 
what would you change if anything, in this set up?
There's a couple of things that stand out. You mention that your digital sound is lacking. Generally speaking, it usually is. In your system though, you may not have matched your components. Your Ayre doesn't have an active preamp. Given its price... 
What to do with my Ipod tunes?
Mezmo,Thanks for clearing that one up. From the OP's OP, I thought he has the library of CD's that he put on the ipod.Warrenh (OP),This is how you can get the best sound from your ipod. First, get a tape recorder and set it to record. Second, take... 
What to do with my Ipod tunes?
If you already have the CD's, why not play them? 
VPI Classic 1 vs VPI TNT Jr
I haven't heard them side by side, but you win either way. If you feel that your sound is lacking in some way, you should have no problem taking care of it with your choice of phono pre and cart.. 
Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
Getting power products right can be very difficult for many reasons. Its not like interconnects or speaker cables in the way you can get some consistant results from system to system. 2 people can have the same exact system but they will not have ... 
Recommendations for Amp/speaker combo for $10,000
"After all, *everyone* here knows that the room/speaker interface is, BY FAR, the most critical metric used to obtain the best sound quality from any sound system. This is closely followed by using the very best source material available for the m... 
Recommendations for Amp/speaker combo for $10,000
I'm pretty sure that you won't take this recommendation seriously but here it is. Ayre V5, Ayre K5 and Vandersteen Model 2's. 
Need help with a Tube Preamp under $3000
VTL 2.5