
Responses from zd542

Step Up Transformer housing case -- available?
Have a look at this website. You'll probably find what you need there.http://www.partsconnexion.com/ 
Hearing Aid Confusion
Buconero117,After reading your post, I have a question if you don't mind. Given your issues with hearing, do you find yourself picking components similar to what most other audiophiles tend to like, or stuff that may not be so popular? For example... 
???Phono Preamp for Rega RP3 W/Elys2 ????
You may want to consider a different way of doing this. Your preamp is not in the same league as your Theta by a wide margin. My recommendation would be to upgrade your preamp to something that sounds better and has a built in phono stage. 
Good Processor
You may want to rethink your question. There really is nothing wrong with what you are asking, but the examples you give in your post are so far away from each other price wise, it makes any type of recommendation almost impossible. I think the In... 
What are the "new" brands in amps and pre-amps
"What are the new brands which also can give a very musical sound and a holographic 3d image?"I'm not so sure its a good idea to go about looking for equipment just by picking "new" companies. I think that there's something to be said for a compan... 
Need advice - EL34 switchable Ultralinear/SEP
A couple of people mentioned the Cary V12. That really is a great amp. Another amp that is worth mentioning is the Quicksilver V4 mono's. They're very powerful and sound incredible. 
Hearing Aid Confusion
Have you ever tried inner ear headphones? I'm pretty sure that some of the good ones can be custom made for you. 
Need advice - EL34 switchable Ultralinear/SEP
If you can do without a switching feature I would use your passive and get an Audio Research VT100 used. Its a good match for that speaker. 
Creek Destiny 1 & Destiny2 Any difference??
"I think I had the later model made in China because it was kind of junky, like the volume knob and push buttons The only other integrated that is better is either the new Sim Audio or Krell 300i which sounds bright to me."I don't think that any o... 
HELP Best speakers btw 1000$ and 3000$. Real tests
Luvs2listen,"Minimum phase system response is another matter altogether, and very difficult to achieve over the entire audible range with multi-way systems. A true first order crossover, one with 6dB/octave acoustic slopes over a couple octaves ar... 
Creek Destiny 1 & Destiny2 Any difference??
I think Creek products are very underrated. I haven't heard one that was made in China, so I really can't comment on it. But if you find one made in GB, I would definitely recommend it. I would also consider a 5350. I'm sorry I sold mine. 
Cartridge gain overload - please explain
Mark,The one thing I see in your last post that gives me pause is your reference the position of your volume knob. I think you may be focusing too much on that. Given that you can adjust the gain on your phono pre and the LS25, your volume knob ca... 
Benchmark DAC2 or Bel Canto DAC3.5VB or OPPO 105
Do you plan to go from the new DAC directly to the new amp or have the Onkyo between the two? 
Help me put a system together for my son
I'm not a big fan of Magnepan speakers but I have owned the 1.6's. One of the amps I tried was a Cambridge Audio integrated (640v2). It did a very decent job of powering the 1.6's in the living room of a nice size condo at medium listening volumes... 
Do balanced/symmetrical phono cables really exist?
"i just had a phonecall from a firm that makes audio cables and they told me that due to the Tac connection on the output of the arm, it is not possible to use a balanced interlink. It would be sufficient to use an RCA interlink with tac/din to xl...