
Responses from zd542

VPI Scout setup after watching Frefmer's video
I should have mentioned what Wolf_garcia says in his post about unplugging the tonearm cables before you make your adjustments. I'm almost positive it tells you to do this in the owners manual. Also, I agree with Stringreen in that it sounds best ... 
VPI Scout setup after watching Frefmer's video
The Scout doesn't have a traditional anti skate option. You do have a little adjustment if you twist the cable that comes out the back of the arm and then reconnect it. When you do that, the force created by putting the extra tension the cable act... 
Why are my speakers resonating????
The first thing I would do is exactly what Sarcher30 recommends. Drivers come loose all the time. When it comes to swapping the speakers, though, I would do it both ways. First, just swap the speaker cables. If the problem now moves to the other s... 
Meridian 508.24 Service
I just remembered something that's kind of funny and may explain some of the problems people are having with these units. As part of a demo in the store, the salespeople unplugged the CD player, pried the drawer open by hand and then picked it up ... 
How do I smooth out violins?
When I first read the original post it sounded to me like a general, overall system, type of complaint. Not just a few, specific recordings. I know I'll probably regret saying this, but the following post from Rok2id does make a lot of sense and i... 
Passive biamping question
I'm not sure what you mean by passive biamping. You won't double your power by using 2 channels for each speaker; each channel is still 100 watts. You are, however, in a position to increase you sound quality if you do a vertical biamp. You can do... 
Meridian 508.24 Service
I had one of those. Honestly, I wouldn't bother fixing it. Its just my opinion, but I think that there are alot of other players out there that sound much better. Either way, call Stereo Exchange in NYC (212-505-1111). They can fix it. 
How do I smooth out violins?
Bojack,As you can see from the responses you are getting, opinions will vary greatly. That's to be expected since all we can do provide your with out best guesses. The only component I've owned that you have are is amp. I don't think your amp is t... 
Bookshelf Speakers; Ported vs. Acoustic Suspension
Its a valid question but difficult to answer. There are so many variables in question, just picking a pair of speakers on the basis of ported or sealed, probably won't do any good. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that the vast majority of bo... 
How many watts per channel are enough?
Dymani28,"Hey, follow K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid), the general rule of thumb is to use double the required RMS output, fuse or breaker protect the speakers, and listen for audible distortion. This setup can even be used to lower THD. If you ... 
How many watts per channel are enough?
"Zd542, legally they would all be required to put out at least 100 Watts. I agree that 89 dB isn't that inefficient, but 39 Watts is really on the low side for a room of that size."I didn't check the UCC before I posted so I'll take your word for ... 
How many watts per channel are enough?
I have to disagree with some of the other posters. You should have no problem at all driving your speakers with either of the 2 amps you list. Your speakers are not that difficult a load. Also, you really can't rely on watts as a measure of how po... 
Ever replace straight wire speaker cable connector
I don't think it would be worth it to go through all that trouble. If the banana's aren't tight enough to form a good seal, you should be able keep things sounding OK if you use contact cleaner on the banana's and the binding posts on your speaker... 
Mo' money. Mo' problems.
I can give you a few tips on what you can do this year to make your system sound better and be more enjoyable to listen to. I'm laughing as I type this because you'll probably think I'm crazy when you see my list. That said, I do really recommend ... 
What M/C for Clearaudio Satisfy Tonearm?
I don't think you can go wrong with something by Lyra or DV. Both are good, all around products.