
Responses from zd542

CD player with Tube Output or Music Server
I would use a CD player. The best ones I've heard with a tube output is Cary. 
recabling my Stax sr-009 to pure copper cable
"I can hear the side effect of the silverplated copper gives (forward, hot treble) i also miss some low midrange (100-400hz)."How do you know its the cable and not some other part of your system? 
Looking for a good set of speakers cables.
You list every component but your speakers. Its hard to recommend a cable without knowing what all your equipment is. 
Transport to DAC Connection: RCA or XLR?
Are both your amp and dac fully balanced? 
$$$ vs music enjoyment
Peterayer,"I'm also not upgrading components the way I used to. I'meven considering moving my virtual system to the "Done for Now" section. Icertainly enjoy listening more now, though I don't know if that is just becausemy system has gotten better... 
Paradigm Studio Reference Tweeter Replacement
Paradigm is an API company. I would try them directly. There's a very good chance you may be able to get the tweeter from them. 
win7 music player
I agree with Singleendedsingle. The amount of customization that Foobar allows is very impressive. No other player I've ever seen can come close to Foobar in this regard. Unfortunately for me, though, I can't use Foobar. I don't like Windows and i... 
$$$ vs music enjoyment
Frogman,"Additionally, I would define "music lover" as someone who either purchases music on a somewhat regular basis or who spends a substantial amount of time listening to the radio or attending concerts; as opposed to (as incredible as it may s... 
"I'll take note in the future that using capital letters to emphasize something denotes an "emergency." Thanks for clearing that up for me."Thanks, but I can't take credit for clearing up the capital letters = emergency issue for you. I never made... 
I need a SET amp to match my Dude Pre.
I don't know what your budget is but I would definitely look at Shindo. They make some of the best SET amps. Another amp I would recommend is a VAC 30/30. I know its not a SET. It uses 2 300b's per channel. I have one myself and don't see how you ... 
"I can't afford to buy two sets of something new right now, but Audioquest has apparently discontinued these cables, and I cannot find a set ANYWHERE. I've checked every online retailer, amazon, ebay, etc, and the only thing I found was a dealer t... 
$$$ vs music enjoyment
"That there aren't musicians who are also audiophiles is a myth; that they "don't know that the high-end exists" is an even bigger myth. This notion keeps coming up time and again, and is completely false. Consider how many people in the general p... 
Using a MC Cartridge With A McIntosh Preamp?
The biggest difference between MC and MM cartridges and phono preamps is power output. The 10x5 is a high output MC. That makes it a little different. A typical MC phono pre will have too much gain for it. You will need to use a MM phono pre with ... 
I don't know why this is such an emergency. The effects you get from biwiring are usually not big (Vandersteen is the only exception.). Type 8 is a very good sounding cable. I would use it until you are in a better position to upgrade. 
$$$ vs music enjoyment
"And what would those things be? We all have "better" things to spend money on - family, health, necessities. The answer is probably that they listen to music for a living so it's possible that they might not want to spend hours upon hours listeni...