
Responses from zd542

Need speaker advice
For me, its an easy choice. I would definitely go with the Vandersteen. If there is a more neutral and transparent speaker, I haven't heard it. That said, they may be a little big for your room. If you call Vandersteen and tell him about your room... 
Adcom GFA 555 versus Rotel RMB 1095for stereo
I really hope I didn't offend you. Honestly, I didn't see that one coming. If you read some of the other responses, these types of questions are asked very frequently; just under very different circumstances. I have to agree with J135. There is no... 
Adcom GFA 555 versus Rotel RMB 1095for stereo
Don't take this the wrong way, but if you already own the 2 amps, I can't imagine why you listen to them both and decide for yourself. 
Does the volume control effect sound quality?
The volume control has a big effect on SQ. 
Musical Fidelity Authorized Repair Location
I would call Audio Connection in NJ. His reputation is excellent. I don't know if he can fix it in store, though. If not, I'm sure he will recommend someone very good. I would also try Listen Up in Colorado. They have a very good service departmen... 
Weird question re: balanced connection
If I ever join NASA, I'm not going up unless Al is in mission control making sure they get it all right. 
Best AQ speaker cables for Unico and Opera?
For interconnects, you can't go wrong with Columbia. I have some of these myself and feel its the best value in the AQ line. Its easily as good as other cables I have that cost a lot more. Another important issue is that they sound good with anyth... 
Beethoven Symphonies - best perf + sonics on CD
I understand what you mean when you compare CD to LP. There may be more to it, though. Can you list all of your equipment? 
Recording from an integrated amp without tape loop
If you have a seperate phono preamp you should be able to plug that directly into your reel to reel. You'll need it to have adjustable gain, though. If not, you may have to go a different route. 
DAC volume control?
What kind of preamp do you have? 
Who makes the highest quality tube amps?
"Sidssp@Zd542, Tube amp from Krell?"Sorry, just kidding. It was just a little humour. For some reason, I couldn't help myself. 
CD player with Tube Output or Music Server
"I am learning and it got me thinking which will always result in more ignorant questions. So...I get the impression that the cabling between the computer and DAC or transport and DAC is very important to sound quality.Is this true?If so, is there... 
Who makes the highest quality tube amps?
BAT, CJ, Cary, EAR, VAC, Quicksilver, Sonic Frontiers, VTL, Krell 
Transport to DAC Connection: RCA or XLR?
When you are dealing with components that have XLR jacks and are not fully balanced, you probably won't hear a difference either way. Some people do claim that using the rca jacks do sound a little better. The difference, however is very small. I'... 
Not a thread. A request for help about VS VR-6
I did a search for reviews on the vr6 and the only thing that came up was a review on audio asylum. Some basic specs were listed. http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/speakers/messages/2120.htmlIts not an owners manual but it may be of some use. You m...