
Responses from zd542

Speakers for MA6300
I don't know if its such a good thing to make price a major issue. I would first go by just sound quality. Many times, you find that what you end up liking can cost a lot less than what you were willing to spend in the first place. I don't think y... 
To Preamp Or Not To Preamp Vac 30/30 MkII
The issue with the volume control has never bothered me. I understand that with the lower settings, you loose resolution. I did a pretty good test a few years back with some friends who wanted to find out how much of a sound quality loss there was... 
Need Advice on Amp Setup w Vandies--Arcam/Bryston
I don't have time for a long post now but I can tell you for certain that using 2 sets of speaker cables, even if they are less expensive, is a big upgrade. It usually doesn't work out that way. Most of the time, a single run of a better cable wil... 
Best digital converter under $12,000 -Meitner Dac-
Rainwater,"Have you ever considered using a capital letter to start a sentence?"Have you ever considered learning something about audio instead of reading through every post hoping to find spelling and grammar mistakes? (In all fairness to your PC... 
To Preamp Or Not To Preamp Vac 30/30 MkII
If you decide to use a preamp, you will need to get something really good if you want to make an improvement. I have similar equipment equipment so I may be able to give you some general ideas. Your 860 should be a very good match without using a ... 
Boulder 865 v Ayer Ax-5
I use Ayre myself and am very happy. Pass and BAT make excellent SS products as well. 
Case of the dissapearing Bass
Ellrotts,I don't think theres anything to be ashamed of with regards to your system. If you like it, who cares. Anyway, I think you may have answered your question in your post where you list your equipment. You say that some if you gear is out fo... 
Cables more hype than value?
Rok2id,This is the first chance I had to read through all of this since my last post. It looks like I may have offended you. If I did, I'm really, really sorry. In some of the other threads, we've commented back and forth in good humour. I didn't ... 
Case of the dissapearing Bass
What's the rest of your system? 
I would consider an Ayre 7 or a used BAT 300. 
Cables more hype than value?
Rok2id,I think I struck a nerve with my psychology reference. Every time someone mentions the word cable, you start posting like someone who escaped from a mental institution. It can be painful to watch. I don't mean to pry, but I think its time y... 
Biamping, yes or no?
Edwyun,"But, generally, passive XOs have a more deleterious effect that active XOs."Do you mean an external passive xover or just the ones inside the speaker? Either way, what kind of deleterious effects are you referring to? I'm not saying that y... 
"I have a modest system and it sounds great. Looking for some calibration, i.e. how much better could it get?"My advice would be to leave it alone. If you are really happy with your system, why fool around with it? You could just as easily make it... 
Cables more hype than value?
Why is it that when someone can't hear, or dosen't want to hear, differences in cables, they always start talking about psychology? 
Biamping, yes or no?
"You might get a second W4S STP/SE preamp, and use one preamp each for left and right channels. Use the balance control on the preamps to fine-tune the balance of low and high pass. Use one stereo amp each for left and right channels. You'd have t...