
Responses from zd542

My turntable hates Cat Stevens
I need to correct something from my first post. When I said I had the exact same setup, I just meant the TT, Cart, and P75. I don't have the 3 gram weight. I'm sure if that makes any difference but I thought it worth mentioning. "I'm sure others w... 
Adcom GFP-750 compared to AR LS-15
Its almost impossible to give you very specific answers to your questions without having the equipment on hand to listen to. One thing I can tell you for sure is that a passive preamp can eliminate a lot of problems that you will encounter with le... 
3-ch amps vs. mono blocks vs. stereo amp + mono?
It depends. 
My turntable hates Cat Stevens
I had the exact same setup you have so I'm familiar as to how it sounds. If you are having problems with just 1 record, I can't see how your issue could be anything else but the record itself. Aside from that, I believe all of the drivers in your ... 
Proac Super Tablette
I don't think you can go wrong with the Proac's. I've had a couple pairs myself. If it were me, I would go with the Proac's and not the NHT. Another brand of speakers you may want to consider is Spendor. They're excellent as well. 
balanced preamp
Dsremer,"I have tried my P.S.Audio PW DAC 11 via the Balanced out directly to the M.L.336 and was impressed with the results, I do not want to take a step back the First Sound pre does a lot of things right.."Theres absolutely nothing wrong with w... 
Interconnect with great dynamics and bass slam ,
How long have you had the cables for? Cardas takes a very long time to break in. 
balanced preamp
I wouldn't make a selection using balanced as the most important factor to consider. I do feel its better but I would buy a component based on sound quality first. If it just happens to be balanced, thats OK too. 
Using Musical Fidelity A3 integrated as preamp?
I had an A3 myself and used it as a preamp for a little while. I wasn't too impressed with the preamp section. It will hold you over for a while, but I suspect that you will want something better. 
SACD remasters- any better than CD version?
I think you may have made a mistake with your choice of upgrades. I know the Oppo is a good sounding universal player but its not an Ayre 7. SACD is better but that doesn't mean that you can just disregard the player. Listening to redbook through ... 
Do stands make a difference for equipment?
They do make a difference but I wouldn't buy one at the expense of other equipment. If you are still building your system, I would get a rack last. 
Opinions on Land Rover LR2
Chayro,You must of bumped your head right before you posted. Give your wife the Honda and get yourself a scooter. Take the rest and put it into your system. Am I the only one thats thinking clearly here? They just don't make audiophiles like they ... 
Rega P3-24 modification...rca jacks and earth
I would call The Cable Company. They have just about anything you can think of. They will also give you really good advice. Also, you probably don't need to use a ground. Not having a ground allows you to use just about any IC out there. I don't k... 
Nakamichi ZX-7 Cassette Deck - - - Dubbing Problem
If its intermittent, does it ever work completely right? (no 10 decibel loss). A couple of things you may want to try. Just to confirm, did you listen to the tape itself after it was recorded or just while it was being recorded? Also, it wouldn't ... 
Given your situation, its probably a very good idea if you were to go out and do some actual listening. Without developing a baseline for the type of sound you like, recommendations on a web site like this will tend to be very random. What part of...