Responses from wrm57
Preamp question: Mcintosh c500t vs Einstein mk2 One data point implies "very frequently"? | |
mcintosh c-2300 vs mcintosh c500 phono section Ontjesr, how would you characterize the sonic differences between the phono stages of the C2300 and C500t? How much of the difference do you think is a result of running the amp/preamp link truly balanced? In other words, can you compare single-en... | |
Art Audio Vinyl Reference vs Maxxed Out K&K I don't think he's planning to discontinue the kits. I spoke to him a few weeks ago and he said he's actually planning to increase the options for the Maxxed Out by, if I understood him correctly, creating modular back panels that will allow custo... | |
Ultralinear vs. Triode vs. SET Atmasphere, thank you very much for that clear and informative synopsis. Great stuff. | |
Art Audio Vinyl Reference vs Maxxed Out K&K Kevin designed and builds the Vinyl References. He'll tell you the differences between it and the Maxxed Out. He is a straight shooter. | |
SET the best? I have a system that includes a modded and fully tube-rolled 3-watt Moth s2A3 amp, Omega Grande 8R speakers, Von Schweikert subwoofer, tubed CDP, and all Jade wires. I also have a system that includes Mac 500-watt MC501 monoblocks, C2300 preamp, M... | |
Orbe SE with Graham Phantom or Brinkmann 10.5 I believe the Phantom is a bit heavy for the Orbe. As I recall, arm plus armboard shouldn't exceed 1 kg for proper spring function. The Phantom is that by itself. FWIW, I ran a 2.2 with and Orbe SE for years and thought it a really nice match. | |
Ortofon RS-309D opinions Thanks, Downunder. Interesting. As you say, more than one way to skin a cat. Maybe the Japanese Ortofon method is better, who knows. | |
Ortofon RS-309D opinions What are you RS309D folks using as alignment protractors? I seriously considered buying one but was put off by its unusual geometry. I'm a big fan of arc protractors like Wallytractor and MintLP, which are apparently inappropriate for this arm. | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. I should add, though, that the brightness you heard almost certainly was not the MC501. It errs in the other direction. I've heard people say the stock C2300 is bright, however. | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. Ah, that's right--I recall from the OP. Perhaps a SS Mac preamp would be better. The cliche is that Mac tube gear sounds SS and vice versa. The 500C is supposed to be excellent though expensive. | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. Tube rolling the C2300 is crucial, in my experience. To me the stock tubes are a bit harsh and noisy. Most users swear by Telefunkens but I find them, while balanced and extended, a little too polite. Mid-1950s RCA Long Black Plate 12AX7 with D-ge... | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. What Mac pieces did you listen to? | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. I'm sure it's actually much better than it sounded to me during that one quick audition. Perhaps it needed more warm-up than it received. Perhaps the Magicos aren't right for it. Perhaps something else was amiss. I wasn't there to hear it so I ask... | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. If that's the 3 box integrated, I listened at a dealer on $70K Magicos and thought it sounded thin and lifeless. Then he plugged in a VAC Phi 300.1 with a top VAC preamp and it sounded amazing. The ASR was not my cup. |