Responses from wrm57
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. Tube rolling the C2300 is crucial, in my experience. To me the stock tubes are a bit harsh and noisy. Most users swear by Telefunkens but I find them, while balanced and extended, a little too polite. Mid-1950s RCA Long Black Plate 12AX7 with D-ge... | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. What Mac pieces did you listen to? | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. I'm sure it's actually much better than it sounded to me during that one quick audition. Perhaps it needed more warm-up than it received. Perhaps the Magicos aren't right for it. Perhaps something else was amiss. I wasn't there to hear it so I ask... | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. If that's the 3 box integrated, I listened at a dealer on $70K Magicos and thought it sounded thin and lifeless. Then he plugged in a VAC Phi 300.1 with a top VAC preamp and it sounded amazing. The ASR was not my cup. | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. I should add that the Mac 501s are a bit of a conundrum because while they do present plenty of detail, they're not what I would call super-resolving, at least not as resolving as some pure class A amps I've owned, and still own. But with a good, ... | |
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2. I'm running Mac MC501 monos with EPS2 and they mate very well. Bass is strong and controlled ; mids are full and sweet; highs are crystalline. The combo has coherency and musicality, and definitely presents a toe-tapping experience. The PBN/SEAS t... | |
Shelter 90x, Michell Gyro SE and ? Phantom's out--too heavy for the springs. Michell will make an acrylic armboard for it instead of the typical aluminum but the combined weight of arm plus board, if memory serves, cannot exceed 1 kg and the Phantom alone weights that. For years I ... | |
Newfound respect for McIntosh On the other hand, I now own Sacman's 501s and they sound anything but bass-shy with my Montana EPS2 speakers and Mac C2300 pre-amp. In fact, the bass is one of the things I like most about them, that and the natural midrange. So it's all a matter... | |
Newbie Lenco question You'll probably get more feedback over at Lenco Heaven. Lot's of nice folks and DIY-ers over there. | |
K & K phono pre compasison Hi,I adjusted the dip switches. Yes, I believe the hum was system-dependent and know it was mysterious. But it was unique to this component of all components I've ever had in my system, so what am I supposed to think? I went out of my way above to... | |
K & K phono pre compasison I'm excited! Now if that danged turntable would just arrive...:) | |
K & K phono pre compasison Oh yeah, I also auditioned the single-ended Einstein phono stage, which is supposed to be not quite up to the balanced version. In my system, it was so aggressive that it gave me a headache. Other people just love it, and I really wanted to love i... | |
K & K phono pre compasison A year ago, I auditioned the Allnic 3000, ASR Basis Exclusive 2008, and Wavestream Kinetics in my system. The Allnic was very liquid and palpable, but ultimately not realistic in the attack and transcients to my ears. Plus, it hummed slightly, whi... | |
McIntosh Tube or Solid State - what way to go? I've only had them for a few weeks and bought them used so they were well broken in. As a preamp I've been using a Bent TAP-X passive with Slagle autoformers, which is a terrific unit though not ideal for the MC501. A brand new C2300 arrives this ... | |
McIntosh Tube or Solid State - what way to go? The cliche is that Mac tubes sound SS and vice versa, though I'm not sure how true that is: I have no experience with Mac tube amps. I do have SS MC501 monos and I really like them--they remind me in some ways of my 2A3 tube system in midrange blo... |