

Responses from tok20000

HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
I think there are good reasons why some companies products continue to do well on the used and new market.Companies such as Ayre, Krell, Mark Levinson, Magnapan, Sonic Frontiers/Anthem, Pass, Plinius and GamuT (these I (and friends) have had wonde... 
Source vs Target: where is the weakness?
I disagree that someone should start with a source first and work their way to their speakers. Why do I think this? Because ultimately it is one's speakers that determines the limits of what a system can sound like. You have to find a speaker that... 
What makes more sense?
A tube preamp with SS amp will cost you a lot less in tubes. Tube amps burn through tubes much faster than tube preamps. KF 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
Artar1,Why would you need to send a Plinius amp back to New Zealand to be fixed???? Last time I checked they have a repair center in Oklahoma in the USA (it may be in NY now). But they have good customer support in the US.One of the best deals in ... 
grainy sounding high end system
Not knowing your cables, I will assume the cables are not the problem. I would try to demo a different digital front end and see if that is your problem. Try to demo a nice one box CDP. If your sound is still grainy, the next likely suspect is you... 
Why do we listen to music?
http://www.stereophile.com/shownews.cgi?1517The above is an interesting article for all those who read this post.KF 
Looking to upgrade from receiver
What speakers do you use? And how efficient are they?KF 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
Well I got the upgrade price wrong in the above post:My above post should say a $650 upgrade will probably cost the distributor about $200-300 max in parts and labor.Anyways, I feel for you Ernie. If I were in your place I would have blown a gaske... 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
All I have to say is this is an upgrade.The dealer is really, really, REALLY stupid for not perfoming the work because his profit margin has to be amazingly high. I know this because I have friends in Scandanavia and EMC gear is consistantly 50% t... 
What turntable for $1500 ?
Basis 1400 + RB300 Tonearm + a decent cartridge depending on what phono preamp you end up with.KF 
I have a Cary Rocket 88 for sale right now, and I would absolutely NOT recommend adding tubes to a HT system.Why? For one tubes go bad after a certain amount of use and that use in amps is about 1/10th the time tubes tend to last in tube preamps.B... 
Best Amp & Pre-amp combo for under $2000 ???
Sorry if I sound a bit befuddled, but what does: "I tend to be around 60-70% music." mean?What else do you play through your stereo besides music? Do you use it for HT to?KF 
What turntable for $1500 ?
The question is: Are you budgeting $1500 for just the turntable or turntable + tonearm + cartridge?KF 
Should I Upgrade My Krells
Get a GamuT D-200 amp, and never look back.I have a GamuT D-200 driving the Mahlers, and it is remarkable.KF 
EMC1 mk2 vs Cary 306/200...
Nealhood, post you comments on the review.:-)Thanks,KF