

Responses from tok20000

Tubelike solid state: Ayre Vs Aleph
Has anyone compared an Ayre amp vs. a Gamut D-200?If so what are your thoughts?KF 
I am looking for a smoothest sounding outboard DAC
I'd go with an Ayre CX-7 CDP before I would go with ANY transport/DAC combo.http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?rdgtl&1037849911&openusid&zzTok20000&4&5#Tok20000See my review of the Ayre against two Dodson DACs.KF 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
Altar1,People are dumping SA250mk4 amps because Plinius is in the process of upgrading their entire amp line. They started with the SA102, and the SA250 will be replaced I am sure as well. Plinius amps are great for driving Maggies. Maggies need a... 
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ymisc&1041471439&openusid&zzTok20000&4&5#Tok20000You gotta find speakers you like first before you get an amp you like. See my above post for the reasons.Not all amps can drive all speake... 
I would look into Vienna Acoustic speakers. They make excellent speakers, and you may be able to pick up a paor of Strauss' for around $5k. Their is a pair of Mahlers (their best) here for $5.5k).KF 
Overrated & Underrated
Canadian artist Leonard Cohen is not over rated.KF 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Brian May - I think he can play any guitar-like stringed instrument on the planet masterfully.KF 
HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?aamps&1041706030&openusid&zzTok20000&4&5#Tok20000Ernie, I think you have a soul mate.KF 
Electrocompaniet owners
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?ymisc&1041348528&openusid&zzTok20000&4&5#Tok20000Bob, all I have to say is their EMC-1 mk2 may be the best product that Electro makes. And even at that, I would never buy from a company w... 
Front and rear amps
Sure you can use them for rear channels. It has been my experience that rear channel amplification does not matter a whole heck of a lot. I have had very expensive amps (and great sounding) amplifying my rear channels, and I could not tell the dif... 
I am looking for a smoothest sounding outboard DAC
I'd look at Audio Note DACs.KF 
Pass Labs Service
Looking for Chicago and All That Jazz....
If you like musicals like Chicago, look for musicals by Stephen Sondheim. They are not jazzy per se, but their lyrics are wonderful. Their stories are hilarious. And they are deffinitely NOT for children... heh heh.Anyway, I would suggest the Step... 
Review: Audio Aero Prima cd CD Player
Were you able to demo an Ayre CX-7 CDP?All I can say is that it is $3k retail and worth every penny.I liked the Ayre better than the Cary 306/200 or the EMC-1 mk2 by a very big margin.See my review here for the Ayre.KF 
Pass Labs Service
I suggest going with an EMC-1 mk2 with the upgrade! Maybe even flying to Denmark to pick it up, heh heh.DOH! Just kidding!!!I'd demo the Ayre CX-7. Even at full retail, the Ayre is a deal.KF