

Responses from tok20000

AZ Silver Ref II vs AZ SIlver Ref I?
I have also had the Satori, and I did not think it was in the same league as the Nordost SPM speaker cable. The Satori was better than anything I had before, but the SPM seemed to be a huge improvement over it. One note is that the Satori run was ... 
AZ Silver Ref II vs AZ SIlver Ref I?
Joe at JC Audio is the guy who told me he liked these ICs better than any other IC currently made (LOL). I am looking for other opinions.KF 
audio alchemy dti pro -vs- monachy dip or 24/96
I'd go with Monarchy, mainly because they are still in business (not to mention they make quality relatively inexpensive gear). The Monarchy gear is also newer technology.KF 
plinius sa100III v pass x150
What is the rest of your system?Because both components can sound not-so-good if not matched well with a given system.KF 
If I sell Pioneer/buy Aries, hear BIG difference?
If it does not.... get your hearing checked.;-)KF 
Warm, Deep Stage, S.S Dual Mono Amps ?
Gamut D-200 ampThese amps are dual mono and can be had for amazing prices.This amp won TAS GOlden Ear Award in 2000, and it deserved it.It has been compared favorably to $30k LAMM tube monos.All I have to say is you must hear it to beleive it.KF 
Quietest amplifier you have ever owned.
I agree with Royy.GamuT D-200 running XLR is very very quiet.KF 
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/frr.pl?rdgtl&1037849911&read&3&4&See my review.KF 
New Ayre integrated and CD player..have you heard?
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/frr.pl?rdgtl&1037849911&read&3&4&See my review.KF 
ayre cx-7cd player
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/frr.pl?rdgtl&1037849911&read&3&4&See my review.KF 
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/frr.pl?rdgtl&1037849911&read&3&4&See my review.KF 
Opinions Arcam FMJ-23 or Ayre CX-7 CD player ?
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/frr.pl?rdgtl&1037849911&read&3&4&See my review.KF 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
I would not recommend the Simaudio Moon W-5. I used it with the Maggie 3.6's and thought it had a lot to be desired.KF 
Stay in the same cable family?
One thing to remember: Most cable companies that make a quality product use all of their cables in systems that they reference their cables in.Thus, most of them design their cables (AC, IC, and Speaker) to go together.That being said... I think s... 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
3.6's LOVE power.The more power you can feed them the better.Personally, I have driven 3.6's with 2 Plinius SA100mk3 amps in mono (665wpc into the maggies). The sound was very good.I have been told the Bryston Amps also work very wekk with maggies...