

Responses from tok20000

From tubes to solid state. What do you loose...
It all boils down to system matching.I have heard tube amp and tube preamp combos that made my jaw drop sonically.And I have heard tube preamp and solid state amp that was equally amazing.I have also heard solid state preamp and tube amp that was ... 
Thinking about purchasing vandersteen 5's what's a
Good luck finding them used!They are great speakers!KF 
Your opinion please
I have a Pioneer 49TX and it is really an awesome unit for home theater.KF 
Preamps for dummies that would be me
For most people who are just starting out into audio think that preamps are not terribly important components. Their purpose is to regulate volume. How hard can that be???Well, I will tell you it is a lot harder than you can probably imagine (at l... 
What is the best CDP to be used as a Transport?
Sony SCD-1 modded?I am not familiar with the gear you mention above.KF 
looking for best single ended cdp under $3K used
Ayre CX-7 CDP for $3k NEW is the player to demo.Used (if fortunate enough to find one used) it can be had for around $2k.If you do not have a dealer near you, let me knoa and I may be able to hook you up with one.See my review of this player here ... 
would this Deter you from buying used gear????
All I have to say..... What does engraving personal information on possessions have ANYTHING to do with SNIPERS???? Us citizens of the USA have been living under Paranoia since this country was founded. This Paranoia has made this country may ulti... 
Which Amp for Magnepan MG 3.6/R?
That is cool Artar1.Personally, I think those tonality problems would be fixed with a better source and better power cords and maybe even a better preamp. Anyway, it is hard to pin down what device is causing any one problem in a system without kn... 
Review: Vienna Acoustics Mahler Speaker
Power cords tend to affect Digital Transports/CDPs and Amps the most. Of coarse effects vary depending on the power cord and the component.I seriously recommend Virtual Dynamic power cords. They offer free demos. They cryogenically treat their cor... 
Review: Vienna Acoustics Mahler Speaker
Bioman, you have written a very nice and thoughtful review. This has inspired me to write a review of the Mahlers in the future.Truthfully, I do not know much about your Melos gear that you have, and I have never owned a Melos product (I have read... 
grainy sounding high end system
Preamps can make all the difference in the world.Good preamps are hard to find.I bet though, after you get your preamp retubed, it will sound better than your NAD.KF 
First I would like to state that amplification is important and spending $5k on speakers and driving them with a $500 amplifier (any $500 amp) does not make a whole lot of sense. If you can afford $5k for speakers now, and will be able to afford t... 
I do not necessarily agree with that addage.Let's take the world class amp the LAMM ML2 for example. The ML2 is quite frankly one of the finest SET amps made, period. But is someone were to buy this amp thinking that such an excellent amp could be... 
Burn in time for Virtual Dynamics Cables
300+ hours for VD cables to burn in.Speaker cables make a huge difference, and VD speaker cables will improve your system sonics buy a large margin (especially if you can shorten that run, 20' is pretty lengthy).KF 
Power cords for Ayre
Ayre has suggested to me they like Cardas power cords with their equipment.KF