

Responses from tok20000

philips sacd 1000 as a redbook player
Rgd, substantial built quality does not always equate to better sound. I will readily admit that I am not familiar with the sound of the SACD 1000 or it's replacement. However, 9 times out of 10 a company will not not replace a piece with an infer... 
philips sacd 1000 as a redbook player
You realize that Phillips replacement for this SACD player is coming out soon and will retail for $499. It will be 24/192 and play DVDs. I imagine it will sound better with redbook CDs than the SACD 1000.KF 
dump DACS
I was very unimpressed with the sound of a Tact 2.2 that I heard in a reference system a while ago. There is really no substitute for a great listening room and a great DAC.KF 
Best way to ship and pack Maggies
The 1.6's are not-so-bad to ship. I would just ship them in their original packing. I used to have 3.6's and I refused to ship them when I eventually sold them.KF 
Quality of Stereophile Class A speakers at 2K?
I think Stereophile is a nice entertaining magazine. However, like everything, you must take it with a grain of salt.The Stereophile rating system for equipment is a bit misleading. I have found from my own experience that there is a very big rang... 
recommendations for inexpensive turntables
MMF-5 is a deffinite step up from the MMF-2.KF 
Class A, B, C? What do they mean?
Esun is pretty correct.A very important aspect of the operational Class of an amp is:1 - How much current the amp draws at any given moment2 - How hot the amp is at any given moment3 - How efficient an amp is from converting AC wattage to output w... 
CD Player with volume or preamp
Ayre CX-7 CDP ($3k retail)Ayre AX-7 Integrated amp ($3k retail)Some nice relatively easy to drive speakers ($2-3K)Rest of money spend on cables.The above sound will be better than anything short of the Wadia 861 ($8k retail) pumped directly into a... 
Single box player vs transport/dac
In general, I think one may get ultimately better sound from a matched transport & DAC combo. However, to get better sound than many of the hi-end single box players, you really have to spend some megabucks. One box players have gotten very go... 
Tact RCS 2.0 ADC/DAC
For $4k one can get a lot of DAC, especially on the used market.If I was going to buy a DAC, I'd look at the following:1 - Audio Note DAC - These are not cheap, but can be found used. I know people that swear by their sound.2 - Muse Model 192, one... 
New Generation of CD Players Which is Best?
Ayre CX-7 CD Playerhttp://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/frr.pl?rdgtl&1037849911&read&3&4&THat link will tell you whan I thought of it.KF 
What is your most beautiful component?
Ever see the platter on the new Rega P9 TT? It may not be thick, but it is about as inert as a substance can get. It is ceramic that has been fused to the hardness of saphire. Supposedly this material is used in nuclear missiled. All I can say it ... 
Tact RCS 2.0 ADC/DAC
I have only heard this TACT piece one time and I did not like it. It was being used as a DAC and Room Correction in a pretty bad room with some megabuck electronics, and I did not like the sound. I would highly recommend an external DAC. Recommend... 
Up and Over sampling EXACTLY the same thing
Interesting points:Sony only quit making Betamax players THIS year (2002).Also, the Ayre CD player upsamples to 1.4112 MHz which is more than any other player that I can think of off the top of my head. The Ayre player does sound fabulous though.S... 
I am ready for TRUTH, I can handle the TRUTH
I have a 53" TV inbetween my front speakers, and my friends really wonder how I get the kind of imaging I get (which is very good).The key as stated above, is to push the TV back against the wall as far as possible and bring the speakers forward s...