

Responses from tok20000

ICs for Supratek Pre
You are getting probably one of the top 10 home preamps on the planet, and you are using a Bryston amp....Man, I would think about moving up in the realm of amplification. I will not say Bryston is not good, but their are better amps out there, an... 
Whats wrong?
Well I applaud your upgrade from Bose to Maggies!!!!!!!!!That move in itself indates there is hope for you yet! ;-)Anway, no matter what anyone says, EQs are evil in 2 channel music systems. A music system should not need an EQ to adjust sound qua... 
Bryston vs. Plinius
I have had Plinius amps. I have heard Bryston amps (but never owned one). Plinius amps (besides the SA102 and SA250mk4) tend to sound a little dark for me. Especially in the upper frequencies. The Plinius midrange is very nice and a little warm. T... 
Bi-wiring/Bi-amping...worth the fuss and expense?
It all depends on the speakers and amps involved (as well as listening room size). A more specific answer would need to know these variables.KF 
Bryston vs. Plinius
What Plinius is 175wpc?KF 
preamp vs. no-preamp
Every passive preamp I have tried has cut down on both dynamics/microdynamics and resolution/detail. They all tended to put a veil on the music that was not good at all.One thing about live music is that it is dynamic. If there is one sin I cannot... 
Expensive vinyl rig - still not performing ;-
The Analogue Room is probably your best bet... Especially if you shop for vinyl there. And if you do not, you should go there and pick up some excellent new (or used) vinyl. It is not cheap there, but hey, it's San Jose where only the air is cheap... 
Expensive vinyl rig - still not performing ;-
Greetings, I have a mini audio club going in the greater South Bay/San Jose/Monterey area (stressing mini) because it is just 3 of us (and frankly I would not even call it a club... let's just call it a group) that got together recently and did so... 
preamp vs. no-preamp
I just checkout the Jena Labs website and they look interesting. Both Jena Labs and Virtual Dynamics cryogenically treat their cables. This gives them an edge over most cable companies. Maybe one day I will compare the VD Nite with Jena Labs cable... 
Anyone have modem problems with this site?
This site seems to slow up quite a bit at 10PM EST every day.KF 
preamp vs. no-preamp
Tireguy, I am not going to claim I am always right. And I have not heard your CDP though I have heard AMAZING things about it. And if you have tried all of those preamps, all I can say is WOWSERS! I wish I were so lucky! Maybe you have a magical k... 
Preamps for dummies that would be me
If a passive preamp did the job better than my Ayre for the same price or less (and had phono as magical as the Ayre), I'd buy it in a heartbeat. My main goal iis end product sound quality and not fancy smancy equipment (unfortunately, I have foun... 
computer fan noise?
I know there is a company that specializes in making silent fans. I cannot remember their name, but they make fans that are can hardly be heard in most situations.I will try to find out the name of the company.KF 
preamp vs. no-preamp
I have talked a lot about this subject in other threads. The inherent problem is that whatever parts ANY CDP is using to control its output/volume is not as good as a the parts in world class preamp that does the same thing. It's like asking the q... 
Magnapan vs. Von Schweikert
I have 3 complaints about the 3.6's.1 - The more power you feed them the better they tend to sound. This can get you into a viscous power upgrading circle once you realize this.2 - They are not very dynamic. However the more current you can feed t...