

Responses from tok20000

buying and selling
It depends.First one must take feedback into consideration.If the seller has no feedback, I would be hesitant to send him anything but shipping, and pay COD.If the seller has lots of positive feedback, then I have no problem sending certified fund... 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
'I LOve Paris'Not that I really love Paris, or even France for that matter. I just think the song is great to dance close to.'The Way You Look Tonite'Another favorite of mine.KF 
Vienna Speakers: Compared to other Hi-end spks?
One reason the VA speakers do not have a higher profile in the US is because they are European. Enough very high quality high end hifi products are made in North America that it is a bit difficult for any overseas company to dominate our market no... 
To preamp or not to preamp?...that is the question
How much $$$ do you want to spend?It all boils down to money.If money was not an issue, I would not go with any digital device that regulares volume. I would make this recommendation because I have never heard a DAC or CD player that regulated vol... 
Preamp better than Cortese?
Try the Ayre K-3X preamp with phono.Ayre discontinued it because the X upgrade brought it sonically very close (maybe too close) to the K-1X. Used for $3k to $3.5k it is a steal.The only drawback to the K-3X is it only has 33 or so volume notches.... 
An odd idea
One thing to remember about Home Theater is that there really is no 'reference' standard. Unless you have precisely the same speakers for Left, Center, and Right, channels your center channel will sound different than the others. In home theater, ... 
Which components knocked you out on first listen?
I rarely get 'knocked out' by listening to any one product due to the fact whenever i am listening to music, I am listening to the entire system putting out the music, not just one link in the system chain. However, I will list some audio componen... 
What is your most beautiful component?
Now that I have changed out the Basis 1400 turntable for a Rega P9 turntable and the Cary 306/200 CDP for the Ayre CDX-7 CDP, my most beautiful component is probably my Vienna Acoustic Mahler speakers.KF 
Linn or rega
I recently got a new Rega P9 with RB1000 tonearm, and it is an amazing table tonearm combo.KF 
Cartridge suggestions for Rega P9
I am getting great results with a Benz Micro Glider 2 with my Rega P9.KF 
Why is the standard tonearm cable not good enough?
Tim,I am a vinyl newbie, and I was under the impression that the RB1000 tone arm had no breaks in the cable. I might be wrong, you may be right, but I am not 100% sure either way.I was assuming (there I go doing the ASS U ME thing) that since the ... 
Why is the standard tonearm cable not good enough?
This is a good question.Personally, I like my Rega RB1000 tonearm because it has very high quality IC from the cartridge to the male RCA plugs with NO break in the cable. True it does not allow me to easily upgrade the cable (although it can be do... 
Solid state preamp for 1500 used
Good luck finding an Ayrte K-3 for $1500.If you ever do find one for that price, BUY IT!The K-3x is an amazing preamp.KF 
Help Progressive player problem.
Question... Are you sure your TV can output progressive scan?Some HD sets upconvert everything to 1080i. My Sony upconverts everything to 1080i and if I put my DVD player into progressive mode, I get two pictures side by side.Good Luck!KF 
Plinius 250/Pass x-350/Gamut D200/Other ?
I have a Gamut D-200 amp and it is more powerful than most pesople give it credit for. It is very high current capable of delivering sowhere around 47 amps or so. Here is the thing... The reason it gets a bad rap for not able to drive a heavy load...