

Responses from tok20000

Ok, beating the dead horse AGAIN
I would not advise using tubes that are rolled off in the treble with the SA-100 mk3. I would advise something in SS like the matching Plinius preamp which can be had used for a very good value. Or you could try to get a Krell KRC-HR which would p... 
Review: Virtual Dynamics Nite Power Cord
I currently have three VD Nites in my system that I am demoing. I will post a review after more auditioning.All I can say is, you need to hear these VD Nite on your source, preamp, and amp.Also, what equipment are you using in your system? It woul... 
Low end TT vs. Hi end CD
You need to spend some $$$ on a decent TT setup. The problem with cheap tables (or not so good tables)is that using a better tonearm or cartridge will not necessarily give you better sound. They can expose your weaknesses in your current turntable... 
Is the SPM/Quatro fil still a good choice
QF/SPM combo IMHO is a good combo. I personally think that the SPM speaker cable is very good when compared to the AZ Satori. The QF and AZ SR ICs are much closer IMHO.KF 
Virtual Dynamics Power Cord: Signature vs. Nite
I have recently received three Nite AC cords to demo. I will follow this post up with my insights.KF 
What's your favorite instrument to listen to....
Female vocalist.....no contest.KF 
Speaker List
I like Vienna Acoustic speakers. They may not be the absolute last word in speakers, but they sure as heck can sound killer with the right electronics driving them.KF 
Where have all the protest songs gone?
Someone needs to cover the Judas Priest song:'We're Not Going to Take It Anymore!'Not only is it a fun song, it really gets to the point of a protest. This is a song that does not beat around the BUSH! All I have to say is that Democrats REALLY ne... 
Review: Musical Fidelity A3.2cr Preamplifier
Schuesm, if money were no object, you'd own a better ss preamp than the MF A3.2cr pre. Put it next to an Ayre K-1x, Lamm preamp (forget their solid state models), or even an older Krell KRC HR (ofc all of these preamps retail/ed for some serious b... 
magneplanar on wall HT system - anyone listen?
I personally would not use Maggies for HT.Why?1 - Maggies are not as dynamic as many equilivilent costing box speakers.2 - Maggies are much harder to drive than most equilivent costing box speakers.3 - Because of #2, you need some serious power to... 
preamp for bryston aad 2001 combo
Maybe a Bryston preamp? What is the rest of your system?KF 
What is/are your the most favourite composer s ?
MozartThe guy never erased a note. Gotta admire someone who wastes no ink.His classical compositions are not only technically amazing but amazingly popular. I never liked opera until I had to study Don Giavonni (spelling) in college. ALl I can say... 
Re-terminate a Nordost SPM reference interconnect
Nordost charges an arm and a leg to reterminate their cables. However, they swear that they are the only ones who can do it and not have any signal loss. Heh heh...KF 
The Biggest Disappointments in Rock and Roll
How bout the following:1 - Kurt Cobain's suicide.2 - Elvis dying young.3 - Maybe not rock n' roll, but for Pop Music in general... The whole Milli Vanilli incident. This showed just how the mass audience of America can be totally deceived.4 - Just... 
Early 1970's rock: Name some of your favorites
Oneprof, sounds like an excellent concert. I would have loved to go.... but I was only about 2 years old in 1974... heh heh...KF