
Responses from tobias

Ported, Sealed or Transmission Line
Although I am not sure Sean meant to suggest that the straw trick for reducing port turbulence or "chuffing" is pure snake oil, I quite agree with him that you need to do some reading. There is much more to this question than you will conceivably ... 
Tube equipment reviews
You're a generous sort, Mprime. Very cool.I have a pal with the same preamp as yours and he's looking for NOS tubes for it now. He has tried Ken-Rad black glass but found the sound congested ; maybe they were not the staggered plate version.I have... 
Tube equipment reviews
What bothers me about this situation is that some of the best NOS tubes are now stratospherically priced and will soon, I expect, be unavailable. It doesn't do me a lot of good to hear how well a matched pair of Tung-Sol round plate 6SN7s worked a... 
parallel receivers
My experience ( with several units from the 70s and 80s--Yamaha, Marantz, HK, Sherwood, Akai ) is that very few receivers have the kind of dual outputs you are looking for... I haven't seen even one. Someone else here with more experience may be a... 
Advice on Budget System for newbie
You didn't ask me, Maxxc, but I think the rule is pretty much the same for all systems. The difference is that at the high end, you are not going to have to put up with sound that is actually toxic. Even if you upgrade starting downstream, a true ... 
Review: Shanling CD-S100 Mk II CD Player
Thanks for the kind word, Rita ( hope I got your name right ). It's true that the Mark II sounds better after breaking in.'goN member Foxtrot emailed me about remotes ( thanks ! ) and I realized there was some info missing from the review about th... 
Advice on Budget System for newbie
And I third the CD-25 (also known as the Shanling CD-S100)! It's the very best player I know for the money.I think the other guys' recommendations are excellent, if I may say so. The Audio Refinement gear is very good value IMHO. I'm only chiming ... 
Tube Amp Suggestions
My Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rods have an efficiency close to your Virgos but are 8 ohm rated. I am using Shanling SP-80 monoblocs in stock form but with NOS driver tubes. This amp is the only one I know of which gets 50 real watts out of a pair o... 
Audience Conductor iPod Cable Atten: iPod Users
I would like to apologize for my previous post. In it I said that with a good cable you can hear how horrible MP3s sound, but in fact MP3s become much more tolerable.My Zu Pivot connected to my PowerBook made it possible to hear how compressed my ... 
Portable Audiophile
A good portable system has many uses and I've tried a couple of setups. The most convenient was my PowerBook with a pair of battery-powered extension speakers but the sound was... not good enough to make it worth while. Then I lugged a NAD L40 and... 
Power Cord for Music Hall CD25
From what I noticed when I upgraded the power cord on my CD25 / Shanling CD-S100, you're not looking in the right place for better midrange. The difference power cords make is more to the soundstage, to detail and definition, to control at the bot... 
How did you get started?
My father can't carry a tune but loves music. He got into the hobby in the golden mid-Fifties with a Rek-o-Kut TT, a Shure cartridge with the first Fisher stereo amp--saw one on auction recently at about $300--and EV drivers in custom horns. He ma... 
Correlation: Money and Good Sound
Wow... so, I have a Sherwood S-7300 I think I'm gonna post here at auction, after reading this.Money's not enough. You also need knowledge. There are units with comparable sound and widely different prices, and the reverse exists too--widely diffe... 
How much does your system retail for?
US$29,250.00 assuming some discontinued units were still available at their original retail price.I've always sought out giant killers in their price range. The sound I have now is IMHO worth every penny of its cost. I'm also quite proud of the fa... 
Any superb balanced dacs up to $2,500 used??
Apogee DA1000E-20 is Cello 8.1 with XLR outputs. If you're in the Montreal area you can drop by and listen to mine.