
Responses from tmsorosk

Number of yrs. to reach the finished line?
Inna , your almost right . When the wife mentioned she had found a house with a pool and that we would be moving , my first and only question was , is the living room symetrical . 
Should I bother to try a subwoofer?
Subs are great for affects , I leave mine off for music . Subs are for people that buy the wrong speakers . 
Number of yrs. to reach the finished line?
Listening to music is a great experience , but if It wasn't for tinkering with my system or the systems of other club members I think I would lose interest quickly . Shouldn't a hobby be ongoing . Improving things and then listening for improvemen... 
Cat-proofing your speakers...
The better half taught are feline to stop chewing on things like cables . I don't think there is much you can't teach them if you no how . I look at animals in the same light as kids when it comes to audio , there is nothing they can destroy that ... 
Number of yrs. to reach the finished line?
I don't think there is a finish line . 
can i improve my system with a better cd player?
Your dating yourself Audiofeil . 
Number of yrs. to reach the finished line?
The trick is not to go backwards or sideways , you must move ahead to get the rewards this hobby has to offer . 
Is the most efficient speaker the best speaker?
Hard to beat mid efficient speakers , it's the best of both worlds . 
Shunyata Hydra: lifespan, new models?
I went from the Hydra 8 to the first series of V Ray and got small but important improvements . Most impressive was the additional drive and momentum produced . I have not tried the new series but when my dealer gets a demo unit I will tote it hom... 
REL subwoofer hum
60hz hum or what some call a ground loop problem is common with subs . Audioquest has a sub interconnect that has a ground lug built in , it solved the problem for me . I've not heard of chassis grounds ever harming a component or causing a warran... 
How Much Difference Does a More Powerful Amp Make?
The C.J. LP280 used a more complex circuit than the LP140 or 70 . 
How Much Difference Does a More Powerful Amp Make?
The W7 is the sweeter sounding of the two amps . I would never trade finesse for more power , and although the W8 may sound more powerful we are only talking about a 2dB difference . 
Problem driving Martin Logan Ascent i's
If you do the math the Krell Asent match should produce quite high levels . There is a problem some where . A friend that used to sell ML said the panels need replacement every 10 years or so . How old are yours ? 
Audio Research Reference Linestages
Flex 2... I had been using the Ref 3 for the last three years and decided I would try the 40th Anniversary Ref . It was a step or two up from the Ref 3 . but I thought I should be open minded and try every other preamp I could get my hands on , ev... 
Audio Research Reference Linestages
I guess we all listen and hear a little different . My experience with my ARC Ref preamps are nearly opposite to the OP's . I won't go back to the REF 1 or 2 for any reason including price . ARC is a great company with lots of great products thou...