
Responses from tmsorosk

Power Amp for Magnepan MG 20.1's
Agree with Mac . Iv'e heard the 20.1's in many different systems , The Pass Labs XA160.5's were the only amps that made 20.1's sound right , to me .In all honesty I don't think you'll hear what the 20.1's have to offer with an amp anywhere near th... 
Audio Research DS 450 amp......thoughts
How many class D amps do you need to hear before making a statement about there sound . I don't like the principle either but the three iv'e listened to are not enough to judge a technology on . I thought the DS 450's sounded quite good considerin... 
Warm CD player for older CDs with digital glare?
I use a Levinson DAC for taming down hard sounding disc's . In fact I use it most of the time that way . 
'Doing All Right' One for the Diana Krall fans
Thanks for the tip Scouse . I buy all her JAZZ stuff . Stonking good . 
XLR cable for basic beginner
I have used Shunyadas's top power cords for a while with stunning results , but there interconnects seem over priced on a performance per dollar basis . 
REF 3 In My System?
We have talked about evolution and convergence of tube and solid state designs and there effect on tubes , but what about the effect this has had on solid state . Let me start by explaining why I traded my beloved ARC REF 3 preamp for the Ayre MX-... 
REF 3 In My System?
I agree , if your going to built tube amps , why not build them to sound like tube amps . Is the lessoning of tube sound partially do to the never ending search for neutrality and perfect balance ? 
REF 3 In My System?
ARC CD8 , ARC Ref 110 power amp , Nola viper Ref 3 speakers . Tried two different speaker cables first was MIT O2 and Cardas , don't recall the model . 
REF 3 In My System?
Sure . We felt the REF 3 had a rounder, fuller sound , some might say better coherence , the 27 seemed to have better depth but not better image specificity . The REF 3 also had more of that liquid presentation that tube lovers obsess over , I fel... 
REF 3 In My System?
Of coarse ARC , there are trying to sell LS27's not the discontinued REF 3 . I've heard both back to back in a familiar system , have you ? 
REF 3 In My System?
" The LS27 is touted to sound better than the Ref 3 " . By who ? 
Amp for Revel Ultima Studio 2s
I use a Levinson #431 with my Salons with good results , but the Simaudio / Revel mix seems to be a match made in heaven , the W8 or W7 would be my choice . 
XLR and RCA interconnects in the same system?
Fully balanced is always best , ( balanced in and out ) but as Kal mentioned there is still noise reduction with each balanced cable used . I have A/B/A tested this many times over the years and in many , many systems and the results are always th... 
Who was the best jazz guitarist ever?
Sam ... Thanks for that link , it was excellent . Also had a look at your system link also excellent . 
Noobie. Vinyl reissues. Am I expecting too much?
I was also brought up on the clicks and pops of vinyl not to mention other anomalies . But once CD players and DAC's improved I became less tolerant of these issues . Eventually I parted with my analog rig , no regrets .