
Responses from tmsorosk

Why no reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile
I must say that most of the reviews Iv'e read about products I already own , have been fairly accurate in there sonic description . 
Mark Levinson n°39 or dedicated DAC?
If the price is right I'd go for the #39 . I've owned a bunch of Levinson gear, not only do they rarely need service but Levinson has always found a solution for any problem , obsolete or not . 
Why no reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile
Reviews should be taken with a few grains of salt . Get to know the reviewers and which ones tell it like it is . When I wanted to upgrade my power cords from the Cardas Gold Ref's , I listened to every one I could get my hands on , Shunyata came ... 
Why no reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile
Lack of low frequency extension and a narrow dispersion pattern , there not going to test well . 
NAD 3155 Pops when turned off
Why turn it off . 
how can a cheap cd drive equal a fine transport?
I recently upgraded from a Marantz SA11 to an Ayre C5Mp , both being used as transport's only , both were run into a Levinson DAC . The Ayre is leaps and bounds a better sounding transport . That being said , I have always felt the transport is at... 
Does the ARC Ref5 sound better than Ref2/3 ?
I owned the REF3 for a few years , and heard the REF5 a few times . I thought the 5 was a full step better . 
Is Ultimate AV mag gone ?
Thanks Round . Another one bites the dust . 
In the red; insufficient power
A dedicated line likely won't help unless there is very high currant draw on the line your using now . 
Looking for ac outlet with no sonic signature
Try Shunyada's , they have the most neutral sounding products , including there receptacles . 
15A or 20A Power Cord
I use the Shunyata Anaconda's on my Ayre C5Mp cd player , KXR preamp and Levinson power amp also have one on the Shunyada V-Ray . Iv'e owed and tried many expensive power cords over the years before I fell for these . The 20 ampers are a solider f... 
Best Integrated Amp You Ever Heard?
Audio Note Jinro , almost as good as separates . 
Higher-Fi has full page ad in dupont registry
It makes perfect sense . Someone that can afford and has an appreciation for quality car's , would be a potential customer for quality audio . 
Cheater plug/surge protection
That third wire , a common ground is for personal protection . Make sure you have dry hands when handling anything electrical . Not sure how a surge protecter will work without a common ground , likely best to contact the manufacturer . 
Have you ever turned on your system, only to find
How can a qualified electrician be so careless . It's a very simple procedure .