
Responses from tmsorosk

Warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent
Cardas . 
ARC VSi60 vs Ayon Spirit II/III
The Vsi60 sounds great . but it's had some breakdown issues . 
Can Redbook CD Be Saved
If your analog rig leaves your CD 's behind in a puff of smoke you definitely have the wrong player . What CD player do you have ? 
Can Redbook CD Be Saved
There's not much to compare . 8 tracks sounded hideous and only lasted a few years . The CD has been around for nearly 30 years and the hard wear and sound gets better every year , the sound has improved so much the last few years i've dumped my a... 
Shunyatas New CX series
I use a V-Ray with Anagonda's in and out . This setup beat everything I dragged home to test . 
Velodyne DD vs DD18plus?
It depends what your using the subs for . For movies ect the Velodyne's dynamics are hard to beat . But for music there are better choices . 
Should the best systems sound almost identical?
Mceljo - good analogy . But although kit cars have become better handling ect , I don't know of any that perform or feel like the originals . 
Should the best systems sound almost identical?
" Should the best systems sound identical " . Do the best car's drive the same . 
Are the CD'S days numbered?
They said the same things about the turntable a bunch of years ago . Look where it is now . CD's and LP's will be around long after we are gone . 
Amps that can Rival A Levinson No. 332 around 3K?
I went from a Levinson #332 to a Pass x250 . The pass was smother but didn't have it in the bass . It wasn't long and I went back to a Levinson , but a newer one , and still have it . 
Are the CD'S days numbered?
When did Ford decide this ? The 2011 Ford I drive a work has a CD player . 
Does anyone "throw away" Lp's ?
Has anyone not thrown away LP's ? 
Best Canadian Made Whiskey
Crown Royal for me too . All this whisky talk is making me thirsty . 
Help with a first tube amp Please
Will that amount move you up much over your Luxman ? 
Who is your overall favorite guitarist?
Santana . my favorite since Supernatural .