
Responses from tmsorosk

I can't get no satisfaction ...... smile
I not sure what you mean by extreme Vertigo , but the cartridge I liked best was a Lyra Helikon on a Simon Yorke table . I had a bunch of different phono stages , I think the ARC 3SE was the best match . Not state of the art but not bad , this set... 
Revel Salon2 vs Wilson Sasha
I found the Sasha's very capable but a tad bright and slightly constricked in both the systems I heard them in , for my tastes . The right power and lots of it might make them shine . The Salon's seemed more natural and relaxed in comparison . Alt... 
Best CD player under $25000.
Less should be better , the least corrupted , but it doesn't seem to go that way with audio . 
Most expensive Audio disapoinment?
Iv'e been careful with equipment purchases , so far no disappointments . 
Do Interconnects need to "warm up"?
Rpg ... Iv'e found the same thing with My Levinson/ Ayre setup . It seems even if equipment is left on , it takes a couple of hours at the very least for things to settle in before the swing and flow return . I like Wolfs analogy . 
Good turntable needed, need recomendations.
Programmergeek I agree , I just don't think either format is superior in every way . I have also heard moderately inexpensive vinyl rigs that out classed more pricy digital rigs , but I have also heard the reverse , I no the turntable wasn't set u... 
Best CD player under $25000.
Iv'e seen a few people using tube buffers with CD sources with good results . Is there any loss of detail this way ? Iv'e been using an Ayre CD5MP as a transport , into a Levivson #360S DAC , I think it gives me a similar effect . The right about ... 
I can't get no satisfaction ...... smile
Hello Vertigo .. I was speaking from a pure sonic prospective . I guess we all have different sonic perimeters that we value . I value a natural , neutral tonal balance with the just the right amount of musicality and superior bass performance , I... 
Good turntable needed, need recomendations.
Since vinylphiles continually cruise the digital site with there one sided opinions telling all that analog is so much better , I thought I would come over here and tell everyone how inferior analog is . I trashed my vinyl years ago and have been ... 
Best CD player under $25000.
Gs ... Thats A good one . But I still prefer digital in even at equal money , most times . How come vinylphiles cruise the digital section , just to wine . I think I'll go to the vinyl site now and tell them how much better digital sounds . 
I can't get no satisfaction ...... smile
Vertigo... As far as sources go I've owed and heard many of both digital and analog and think I'm safe in saying neither one is superior in every way . Many audiophile friends have systems that are a whisker bright so analog seems to be the way to... 
I can't get no satisfaction ...... smile
I don't whats vexing about it , we new from the first audio component we purchased many years ago that it would not sound like live music and to this day we no that a new piece of kit , no matter how great will leave something behind .What we can ... 
I can't get no satisfaction ...... smile
I think building a system with good neutraility will get you close to what you are looking for . I've built a system that sounds very involving night or day , hot or cold , Jazz or rock/pop , good recordings or bad . I won't say it makes a poorly ... 
Benchmark VS Mark levinson 36 DAC ?????????
I agree with { Knghifi } , I was not a all impressed with the Benchmark in stock form , it was not even close to my Levinson #360 DAC . The slightly newer #360 does except 24/96 . 
Good CD for testing bass response
If your into Rock music try just about any disc by Janet Jackson , most of her music is mastered bass heavy , she's one of the few artists that I turn my sub on for . The more bass your system can produce the better this stuff sounds .