
Responses from tmsorosk

audio research REF 150
I went to my local salon to hear two amp's I'm been fixating over when low and behold , there was the ARC Ref150 plunked between them in the sound room . I don't no how those three amps would sound at home or over longer periods , but that day wit... 
Mark Levinson No. 36 DAC & High Resolution Files
i wouldn't be to worried about spending large amounts of money to repair ML gear . I've had a half dozen of there components over the last ten or so years and only had one break down that was do to my own dofessness , my local ML dealer fixed the ... 
Distance from the front not the rear wall?
The front wall is the wall thats in front of you when your in the sweet spot . I thought Stereophile put that matter to rest years ago . 
Mark Levinson No. 36 DAC & High Resolution Files
The three midfi DAC's i've tried in my home thanks to some club members were , Esoteric D-03 , Boulder 1012 and ARC DAC8 . All three were excellent in one way or another , After much listening , and wine we felt the ARC suited my system and me a b... 
Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP
All panels sound bright to me . 
Mark Levinson No. 36 DAC & High Resolution Files
Mikey .. I did not try the Wyred 4 sound . My #360 displays 24/96 when HDCD's are being played . 
Classe CRCD...any good?
An all in one dosn't leave you much room to tinker . Are you a tinkerer ? 
I'm looking for good pre amp with bass & treble
What kind of price ? 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
I received a very nice feeling of freedom and quiet when I installed a Shunyada Anaconda in my little V-Ray conditioner . I figured almost ever component goes into the conditioner so I'd make that a priority and it payed off . 
Mark Levinson No. 36 DAC & High Resolution Files
Hello Mikey ... I don't want to side track your thread but I wanted to agree with and comment on your observation about the older Levinson DAC's being warmer and more analog like . I own the #360 and feel the same , I rarely use my Ayre C5MP direc... 
Ayre K-5xeMP close to K-1xe?
Don't think you can go wrong either way . The discontinued K1 preamp had the more traditional Ayre sound , smoother with great balance . The latest K-5 seems quieter and more to the neutral side , maybe a whisker thiner . You'll need to evaluate t... 
Pink Floyd in HI REZ......finally
The Dark Side of the Moon SACD was no better than the red book version . I hope they don a better job with the rest . 
Dollar to Satisfaction Ratio not met.
Buffers are more of a band aid than a real solution . More boxes more cables . 
Warm CD player for older CDs with digital glare?
After reading your thread a few days ago , I went and listened to a bunch of older CD's and compared them to some newer ones and did not hear higher levels of digital glare . I have always felt that the early days of CD and CD glare were do to the... 
Amp for Revel Ultima Studio 2s
It may still be a synergy thing with Levinson . I've owned half dozen Levinson components over the last ten years or so , still own two ( see system link ) , I have always felt there pre/power amp combo's were not a good match , a little dull or l...