
Responses from tmsorosk

Having an ear for Jazz
I think Diana Krall was first responsible for my Jazz interest , I won't say she's the best , but her warm sultry voice and smooth rhythmic lines grabbed my attention . My audio system also must take some of the blame for my seduction into Jazz . ... 
Vibration Theory - Isolate or Drain?
Solid base under components , solid bass response . Balls , cones , springs , spikes , under gear , better detail , air . Thats not a consensus just an observation . Ya right a consensus on an audio forum ? ! ? ! Carbon fiber cones and platform ma... 
Why are Pass such a good match with Maggies?
One's soft , one's bright , match . 
Having guarantee issues with KR Audio?
Sounds like a shady bunch . Thanks for the warning . 
How old is too old?
I may be getting older but my system is getting better . The day I start scaling down is when I'll know I'm to old . 
Warm, fullbodied, smooth, and transparent
Warm , fullbodied , smooth , and transparent ,, sounds like the perfect woman . 
Are the CD'S days numbered?
The local HMV store is in the middle of renovations , a clerk told me there scaling down the DVD section and adding more CD's and Blue Rays . Good news I'd say . 
Do you understand your amplifier?
I have not studied amp design , so I can only answer no . 
Cat damaged speaker, Help
Speakers can be reconed locally . 
Survey-What is your most used source?
Hate to say it , but it's by far the cable box . Close to CD sound and no commercials or interruptions . 
Using XLR cables on the Sony 5400 SACD player?
Thats a good one ,LOL . 
Ayre KX-R and Pass Labs X 20 comparison ?
I demoed both the XP-20 and the KX-R for a week back to back and although the XP-20 was just fine in many area's , it didn't open a window on music the way the KX-R did . The KX-R sounded more like music and less like electronics than any componen... 
They seem like a very low keyed business . None of the dealers in my area have ever sold there gear and reviews are few and far between . The word around our audio club is that they sound excellent in some systems and poor in others . 
Probably a dumb DAC question
Most tubes are on the warm side so you should listen to dac's that are not on the warm side , unless you like a very warm sound . 
Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?
Got ride of vinyl stash a few years ago , couldn't sell them so I gave them to a friend , no regrets .