
Responses from tmsorosk

How good is the Ayre DX-5 Universal as a CD player
I tried both The Ayre DX5 and the Ayre CD5mp in a show room and at home . They were both great . On the audio side , the DX had a bit more drive but didn't seem as smooth as the CD5 , the CD5 also exposed more air around the instruments . I bought... 
All Amps Sound the Same....
Most non audiophiles and non music lovers wouldn't hear a difference . Everyone is entitled to there own opinion , even if it is lame . 
  Audio Magic Clairvoyant Liquid Air AC cable
The word , clairvoyant , always makes me think of a scam . 
I am looking to get more bass out of my system
The power cord and cone root sounds like the best advice so far . And you won't be messing with other things . You have likely found the best spot for your speakers , moving them back may give you more bass but usually causes more problems than it... 
moding and the inexperienced
I have to agree with Photon , and I will add , unless you have a friend who has had the same mods done to the same piece of equipment , and can give you a first hand view of what to expect , your probably wasting your money . Some of my friends ha... 
Best steak to eat while listening to your rig?
You have to drip them yourself , in the fridge , unless your eating at a first class restaurant where they do it for you . 
Wilson Audio paint problems
Mw_chen ,,, I think I will side with your wife on this one . Why would you even consider a speaker from the same manufacturer ? Even the warranty is questionable , the problem was there before the speakers even left the factory , they should take ... 
Female Jazz person/new releases...
Whatjd ,,, sounds like your into the same great music I am . The above , sounds good to me , Melody , Eva , Pat , lets not forget Madeleine Peyroux . 
Best steak to eat while listening to your rig?
Porter house steak , drip dried for three days , half glass of ice , a jigger of Crown Royal and top it up with coke . Cue up something by Eva Cassidy and your in heaven . 
Do you buy new equipment because you are bored
Wanting to upgrade is a normal audiophile thing , start dealing with it . 
Audioquest Rocket 88
I wonder were they got the name ? I used to own an Olds Rocket 88 . 
Looking at the Audio Research DS450 - once again
I've heard the 450 a few times and even considered buying one . The sound is quite good , less clinical than most class D's i've heard , bass was not on par with other good solid state designs . As much as I liked it , I just couldn't get into it ... 
Heaven or Hell
The difference in sound quality that you hear from day to day may not be psychological as another poster suggested . I used to have the same problem and felt the difference was to great to be a matter of state of mind ect . I attributed it to inco... 
Does anyone have a Bryston 4b-st driving horns?
As far as Bryston goes there not one of the warm tube like sounding S.S. amps . I have given up my tube gear the last few years , I listen to alot of music so tube changes were frequent and got expensive , and the heat issue was always a problem ,... 
Why are Pass such a good match with Maggies?
I'm a big fan of Bryston , but the 3.7 , Bryston match I heard was not much more than fair .