
Responses from tmsorosk

Simaudio Supernova or Marantz SA-7S1
I also had the Marantz SA-11S1 . I borrowed a Marantz SA7 from a friend when I was in the market for a new spinner , it was good but a little on the warm side for my tastes , I ended up with the Ayre C5MP , about the same cost . 
Magnepan 3.7's versus 20.1's?
The 20.1 gets my vote for best panel . 
Miss much from salon 2 to studio 2?
Your dealer sounds like he is giving you good advice for the best bang for the buck , but I would evaluate your financial situation and find the extra funds for the Salons . There are a better sounding speaker and they alleviate the issue of tinke... 
Buying Tubes Again; Maddening
Changing tubes frequently to avoid costly breakdowns and also the cost of tubes was the reason I bid tube gear a found farewell after many years . With the type of solid state gear thats available the last five years or so , plus careful selection... 
What started you on your audiophile journey .
My journey started with a fascination for electronics . When I was 12 , about 1970 I started building crystal radio kits then AM radio kits then started to design my own circuits . I was amazed at how much better my designs sounded than the receiv... 
I Like DVA-A Over SACD, ....and You?
Many players sound better with DVD-A , but I don't feel the format is better than SACD . 
An interesting Digital vs. Analog experience
Your experience is not surprising to me . I've preferred digital every time I've done a same price comparison . Not saying it's better just saying what I preferred .To answer Kbarkamian's question , if I liked vinyl I would have a turntable too , ... 
B&W in best buy
Getting better gear into the main stream retail stores is a good thing , maybe , but if the systems aren't setup right people will be turned off by the sound quality verses dollar aspect . 
Dynaudio C-4 or Revel Salon 2
Even the harshest sounding speakers can be tamed down with the right components and set up . But would the C-4's sound harsh without such care ?I've heard them in two different systems and in both cases they were excellent but a bit harsh for my t... 
Cardas Golden Reference upgrade to what?
Good luck Dave . 
Interconnect Help
If it's realistic guitars you want than it's Shunyada you need . 
Are Disc Players Dead?
I'll give up my new disc spinner as soon as the vinyl guys give up analog . 
Magnepan 1.7 too bright, HELP
Panels are bright and sterile sounding , deal with it . 
Audiophiles are older than dirt
How old is dirt ? 
W4S ST-1000, How Loud Should It Play?
Ice amp's may show good numbers when it comes to watts but they are very low current , many speakers require current to bring them to life . I tried a friends Bel Canto Ref1000m's with a power rating of 500w at 8ohm and 1kw at 4 ohm , they produc...