
Responses from tmsorosk

revel Salon 2 seating distance
My Salon's are at nine and a half feet, set into an 83% triangle. Although I've found this to be optimal they really sound good at any distance. 
Have digital players improved
Audiofeil, hopefully we will not have to choose. Whether it's the source, the type of amplification the style of speaker, we all have something we prefer, that's what keeps this hobby going. When I visit audiophile friends and club members and lis... 
Building a System around Magnepan Speakers...
Mrtennis, if you haven't heard a SS amp that you like in the mid and upper frequencies you have the wrong speakers. 
Bass and Bass Traps
The bass traps I use are much more than 4" thick, more like 18". I don't think narrow traps are of much use when it comes to lower frequencies. 
Which Cables Are of Most Importance?
Power cords by far. 
Short runs of flexible power cord?
I've been dressing power cords since the day they got big. 
Loss of inner detail
Since your using two matching components I would suspect the interconnect. No matter what others here assure you of, unless they have hear that cable in your system there only guessing. Digital cables can be very finicky from one system to the nex... 
Thanks , Jtimothya and Jfrech, those are the type of responses that I was hoping to hear. I do use an Anaconda on my V-Ray and all first string equipment, power amp, preamp, conditioner, CD player and DAC. Also use Python's on my less important st... 
What's likely to happen when an 845 tube fails?
A friends tube power amp went up in flames a few years back. The technician that tried to repair it said the cause was a faulty new tube that the friend had installed a few days earlier. 
Speaker Burn In?
Although most speakers require run in time to smooth out, there sonic signature will remain the same. So what you hear when new will still be there later. 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
I can't believe this tread an issue are still raging on.In the end there is only one real answer to the Op's question, Bring home a well designed cord on evaluation, ( most dealers have loaners ) if it makes an improvement keep it, if it doesn't t... 
Which digital IC?
Al, thanks for the link. I found Steve's remarks and theories quite interesting.But my half meter digital XLR still sounds slightly better than my identical one meter cable. It may be my system but it's not just me as I've had many audiophile/musi... 
So, what's your audio resolution for 2012?
Focus on better equipment and more music. 
Best audio purchase of 2011
I guess the best purchase of 2011 would have to be the only major purchase I made last year, an Audio Research DAC8, It's the most musical component I own, and seems to have effectively removed unwanted digital artifacts. 
Pros and Cons of "Staying with" Analog and Vinyl
Sunnyjim , your at the same point I was a few years back. Finding a suitable CD player and DAC was the key, and after much toiling I did find just the right combination, do they sound like analog? of coarse not, but digital has many virtues .