
Responses from tmsorosk

Affordable "audiophile" network player?
Affordable " audiophile " , thats an oxymoron . 
Using Granite under speakers
Be careful with that last post , the Symposium system works well with some speakers and awful with others , been there done that . Try before you by . 
Using Granite under speakers
Granite works well in some cases but not always . Sandstone is the best , three inch thick and as wide and long as possible . I've used MDF filled with sand and lead too . Coupling a speaker to a wood floor that is not really solid with spikes can... 
Good upgrade from Levinson 33H's
I noticed that John Atkinson said the Classe' CT-M 600's were the best amps he had used at home . I found that interesting since he used the 33H's for about ten years as his main evaluation amp's . There a bargain at $13,000 . 
How old is too old?
Music has become one of the most important things in my life as I have aged , of coarse family members are first . As I get older the music just seems more important and I have know intension of slowing down with music or equipment purchases . The... 
Anyone else noticing inflation in used gear $?
When the economy takes a big dive people seem to be afraid and tighten up there spending , but although the economy doesn't really improve , most folks get used to the situation a loosen up a bit with there spending . 
can this fact be accurate?
Yes that figure could be accurate , the OP said high end audiophiles , not audiophiles . I've been at it for 35 years , with a system that now exceeds six digits , but after looking at some of my friends and club members system's I must consider m... 
Solid state warm up?
I leave all my solid state gear on 24/7/52 . 
Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig
Biggest snafu ( mistake ) , is upgrading to gear that isn't really better , just different . If your going to take a step make it a good one . 
Absorption/Diffraction..1st reflective points...
I love plants , but honestly I don't think they make much difference in helping to tune a room . As far as diffraction verses absorption , most pro tune company's don't recommend diffraction because it scatters sound waves rather than treating the... 
I just started listening to my CD player again
Shunyada . 
any one box amps that come close to monoblocks?
Have to agree with Phaelon . And would add that a stereo amp at the same price will trounce a pair of mono's every time . 
Best Audio Store Name?
Nut's under the HiFi ? We have tried everything else . 
Opinion on Edge amps
You have nothing to lose by reading a review , even a web one . Ever notice that even in the more prominent mags , every product tested makes it to recommended components . 
I didn’t know that Did you guys know that?
If your burner is doing it's job , the copy should be identical . When I first purchased my Marantz burner , I listen long and hard , with headphones and without , racked my brain for weeks , but couldn't detect a difference .