
Responses from tmsorosk

Have digital players improved
Well said Nonoise , both formats have there virtues, it's just a matter of which one we each prefer. There's a few here that just don't seem to see or respect that, and continue to troll the digital sites looking for a fight. 
Luxman M-600A
Thanks Eugene for the return response. I've been considering the M-800 for some time but have not found anyone in my area that has one to demo. 
Best tube amp with B&W 805D?
A friend uses an ARC VS115 with an ARC REF3 driving the 805D's with stunning results. Fast, dynamic and detailed is the way I would describe it, with good low level dynamic articulation. Sound stage is a bit questionable but it's likely due to her... 
I guess what it means is that subs can be much slower than speakers. I had one that could clearly be heard bouncing along behind the music, it was almost comical. In fact I can always hear a slight blurring when a sub is used in a system. A good q... 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
I find the OP believable but sounds a bit like an advertisement. Over the years I've found different isolation under different components can make a big difference. At present I've found my Ayre CD5MP prefers a carbon fiber base while my Audio Res... 
Equipment you just must get if you can
Stan, you'll love the Ref5. I brought one home for a few days from my local salon when I was ready to upgrade my Ref3. I can't imagine anyone not liking it. Tim 
Have digital players improved
Dev, iv'e owned many fine analog rigs in the past and am exposed to analog regularly do to my involvement with a local audio club, in fact thats all there was except AM radio for many years before the evil days of early digital came along, so I've... 
Don't Feel Guilty Spending $$$
Don't get to worked up 63, I think most of us understand your situation. But keep in mind many of us have had prosperous times and have become complacent, please don't hold that against us. 
Next upgrade
Get A CD player and start enjoying more music. 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
Jfz , your totally right. In fact I could go a step further and say everyone on this site should have a system link complete with pictures. It really has nothing to do with privacy and gives the person credibility and helps others understand what ... 
Equipment you just must get if you can
Some equipment I heard at a fellow audio club member's has me reeling. Some of the best recorded music I've heard period. It was a Meridian system, well if you want to call it a system. A Control 15 and 7200 speakers, thats the whole system. The m... 
Have digital players improved
Mr. T , better IS subjective, but wow, " components from the 60's through the 80's when configured sound better than todays better stereo system's ". I don't know what equipment you've used to draw that conclusion. I've been changing and upgrading... 
Shipping to Norway?
It might be better to just move here. 
Do You Love Music or Do You Love Hi-Fi?
It's you. My midfi system turned me onto a lot of music I didn't really notice. 
Have digital players improved
I'm not claiming one format is better than the other but I see many music lovers preferring one over the other. Both formats have there virtues and anyone that feels one is superior to the other in every way has not been exposed to enough of both....