
Responses from tmsorosk

Your Worst Audio Breakdown
Tab110, you let your girlfriend mess with your system? My wife won't go near, tells her friends she'd probably be escorted off the premises just for getting to close. 
digital vs vinyl thoughts
Good points Kbark. But where you have tried to make your digital setup sound more like analog, I've just tried to have the best digital sound I could muster. That being said, since both my sources have slowly and painstakingly moved up to the high... 
Hardwood floors in basement music room?
I dislike any highly reflective surfaces in my music room. Stay with the carpet. 
What do you feel?
The right music always has the uncanny ability to improve my disposition after a difficult day. 
Dont laugh
Sounds like your original cable was broken. I never laugh at passionate audiophiles, but I do laugh every time I pickup Jim's book. 
Toroidal vs. Non-toroidal Transformers
Ayre condones the use toroidal's, they have some of the best sounding gear around so I won't argue the point. 
Audio stuff I've lost in my own home...
I usually blame missing things on the X-wife. She knows missing things drive me nuts. 
Ayre C-5xeMP Owners - remote swap? and tips
Your right there is a fuse built into the IAC receptacle. 
What contact cleaner do you recommend?
Kontak. Clean and dry has been working for me. 
Ayre C-5xeMP Owners - remote swap? and tips
Aj-f75, yours has an external mains fuse under the AC plug? My C5exMP does not. Is your's an older C5 model with the upgrade? 
Grills ON or Grills OFF?
My Salon's only have a grill on the lower four drivers, the mid and high frequency drivers are up high and have no grills, seems like the best of both worlds. 
digital vs vinyl thoughts
I'm a music lover first and foremost so I enjoy listening to both digital and analog, the one I prefer is usually the one i'm listening to at the time. We all prefer something a little different, why can't some people see and respect that. Some se... 
digital vs vinyl thoughts
Inna I don't respect your opinion, what open mined person would. 
Paging Stanwal-Any update on the Metrum Octave
I've found reviews a great starting point when evaluating equipment, and so far haven't been lead wrong, ( 35 years ).Where else can you gather research info on products before an audition. These forums are fun and entertaining but people rarely a... 
Revel Ultima Solon 2s w/ Pass Labs amps
The Salons are a very neutral speaker and sound fine with pretty much any Pass equipment I've heard. They can sound grand with as little as 20 watts, but they will absolutely spring to life with 300 or more quality watts. I've been considering the...