
Responses from tmsorosk

Changes to Shunyata's power cord line up?
The new top of the line power cord is the KIng Cobra, quite a difference from the old Cobra. 
Anything better than 1.7 Maggies
Have to agree with Erikminer, the 3.7 is the first panel speaker I been able to tolerate for long periods. 
DAC with volume control + Integrated Amp = bad?
I'm not sure I understand what your trying to do , but generally using a volume control on an inexpensive DAC is not wise. Your integrated amp will need "main in, pre out" connections to achieve this. 
Do you believe in Magic?
I doubt it's in your mind. If you listen to your system everyday as I do you can pick out even small improvement/changes. I'm a diehard skeptic but hearing is believing, believe it or not. The big test comes in the following days when you forgot a... 
Digital XLR vs. Analog XLR - Balanced Cables
I've used an analog XLR in place of a digital XLR temporarily several times with no problems. 
Any issues with Money Back Guarantees offered?
I purchased an Olive music server HD4, on the second day the CD drawer stopped functioning. Shipping both ways plus a restocking fee cost me about $500 and a Diana Krall CD. They also delayed refunding the money until I got Visa involved. 
Sansui AU - 919 Thrift Store Find
You payed too much. 
REVEL Salon2s - What Amp is needed? Subs needed?
To add a sub to a speaker of this caliber would be a real shame. A couple of hundred watts will do, but real power will bring them to life. 
Dragging out a great old dinosaur
I was in the same boat, had to bring out my old Marantz 2600 receiver temporarily, it was ok but overly warm and colored. 
Shunyata CX Python Speaker Cables
I heard the Python's at friends the other night, we both liked them better than his very pricy AudioQuests. Sounded more like music. Sonus Faber speakers, CJ amp's. 
Anyone have experience with Olive 06HD?
The CD drawer jammed on my 4 on the second day and had to be returned. 
Magnepan 1.7's best sub match??
You were still using stock power cords? 
The amazing new Marigo Evolution Signature Mat
I think Mrtennis has it correct or at least has had similiar experiences to mine. I've had many CD players, transports and DAC's and found a wide variance in what coupling and isolation devices can do, that includes mats and shelve's made of many ... 
Which Cables Are of Most Importance?
Agree with ( Frogman ). It used to be called the Humpty Dumpty affect, once the pieces are broken nothing can but it back together again, not even all the kings horses and all the kings men. 
Why do some volume controls start at -80db or..?
Interesting responses, most times the numbers on a volume control or attenuater mean little. Keep in mind, attenuate simple means a reduction of amplitude of oscillation, so removing the volume control from the circuit would give you full power.