
Responses from tmsorosk

ARC Ref 3 preamp - updates or concerns
I had A problem with my Ref3, it wasn't a big deal, one of the tube socket's had to be changed at the two year mark, ( purchased it new ) , the repair was done locally. The hour meter can be reset, so be careful if your looking for a used one. 
is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?
Just noticed there's a new QA-9 now. 
need 15 foot IC's any suggestions?
Balanced would be better for that distance, if possible. 
Tom Waits Bad?
I purchased a couple of his disc's on Stereophiles recommendation, but haven't acquired a taste for his style yet. 
"Best" 80's HiFi System
Can't really say that I heard a great sounding system from the 80's. They all sounded a bit colored for my tastes. To each his ( or her ) own. 
Fastest subwoofer?
Marten Logan Decent I's are the fastest subs I've heard, but certainly not the best. Your the first one I've heard that think the Minimas are fast. 
Newbie needs advice
Very diverse question, and i'm sure your get diverse answers. You'll just have to try another amp and see if it rings your bell. 
is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?
Hello Doggie, the way it was explained to me, the QB9 DAC was derived from the C5's DAC, the USB input was added to make the QB more universal ( sell more unit's ). The DX was made even more universal with it's video capability. This came in perso... 
is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?
According to Ayre the C5exMP has the QB9 built in, same DAC. I run my C5MP into an Audio Research DAC8 with stunning results. 
Power cable for Audio Research DSi200
Correction, ARC uses big cables, but there not that good. 
CD player closest to vinyl?
Have to agree with ( Theo ) I have the same Ayre player, but I use mine as a transport and link it to an Audio Research DAC 8. I won't say it's like vinyl but it's as close to it, as digital has come, and still managed to keep digitals superiority... 
Which components are "stupid good"?
Ayres top tier gear. 
So, what's your audio resolution for 2012?
This year I have resolved to start purchasing better quality audio gear. No more mid fi stuff. 
What was your first tweak?
Speaker cable's. I know it's not considered a tweak now but in 1972 it was, friends and family scoffed and laughed at the high quality, thick cable that had no terminated ends just bare wire. There wasn't much of an improvement in sound quality bu... 
Efficient speakers with high powered ss amp?
If you had lets say $1000 to spend on an amp, a ten watt $1000 amp would likely sound better than a $1000 hundred watt amp. Other than that it's really a matter of synergy.