
Responses from tmsorosk

What started you on your audiophile journey .
Lots of interesting stories , it's very enlightening to see how it all began for other members , thanks for the responses . 
Live Performances Gone Awry
We were at a three day outdoor music festival a few years ago , standing right in front of the stage , I told the wife that I was thirsty and was going back to the camper , her and my young daughter accompanied me , we had walked about half way ba... 
Are Disc Players Dead?
Kijanki ... good ending to your post , LOL . 
About synergy?
I'm not clear on the question , but if the OP is asking if same brand same sonic signature is a way to obtain audio nirvana , the answer is likely no for most of us . If a preamp has a warm sonic signature than the last thing we need is a same bra... 
The search among the great ones - 20k+ speakers
I have to agree with ( Ritmo } When properly setup the Revel Salons are the best speakers I've heard at any price . 
Actually difference between class A and AB?
No one is talking about the listening difference because the differences are so small with the latest crop of designs that most won't hear a difference , in fact many prefer the added dynamic's of A/B design's . Levinson was the first to shed itse... 
Two subs or not Two subs?
Usually two subs work better for music , as opposed to home theater . The only issue with two is there allot harder to set up properly , phasing and such . 
Are CD players dead
Just read that LP sales in the UK were at 223,000 in 2010 , compared to 119 million CD sales . There not dead yet . 
Are CD players dead
I don't think there's any question about computer audio and where it's going , but the OP asked if CD players are dead . In the early 80's they said that CD's would eliminate the need for LP's , and CD sales went wild , but nearly 30 years later L... 
Variations in how your system sounds?
You didn't mention if the problem shows up with all sources , that may tell you allot . I used to have an issue with music sounding better in the evening , I upgraded to a high end conditioner and that problem was solved . 
What is the best tube preamp currently available?
Audio Research Reference Anniversary preamp is the one I liked . " Is it the best ? " is there someone thats heard them all that can say . 
S/N ratio vs. dishes and stupid cats.
Don't blame the dogs ! Blame the owners . We have had many fine canines , I was able to teach each and everyone of them not to bark unnecessarily . It was allot easier then teaching the better half not to natter away like a mad squirrel . I guess ... 
Importance of Power cords feeding Conditioners
Power cords on conditioners is indeed important , and matching that cord to your unit is of the utmost importance . I tried many power cords on my Shunyada V-Ray , all of similar girth , it was there rather pricy Anaconda that rang my bell .We use... 
Are CD players dead
NO . I put all my music on my Mac , but much prefer listening to CD's , in fact most of my audio friends that have setup music servers still prefer disc's .The biggest audio store in my area says CD player sales are brisk . 
What would you upgrade next if you had my hifi ?
Oh , one more thing Elevick , the center of the TV is level to your eyes when your seated on the sofa . One vidiophile friend commented that it was perfect .I did have a vinyl rig until a few years ago , sorry I just prefer well set up digital .