
Responses from tmsorosk

B&W 803 Nautilus or Paradigm Studio 100 v.5?
The 100V5 is a very capable speaker at a great price and will play very loud without stress. But the 803 has a quality of sound the Paradigm can't quite match. You didn't mention what amp and equipment your using or have a system link so my advice... 
digital vs vinyl thoughts
No attack was intended, my apologies. I simply meant, basic engineering principals can't describe how music sounds, or what type of sound one will prefer.The Phase Linear scandal of the early 80's was a good example. They designed and built an amp... 
Are audiophiles people of sound prejudice?
Uru975. I think dealers should be omitted as they have a financial reason for there bias's. For me, the longer I've been at it the more I learn not to be to certain about my ideals. Tweaks are a good example of that, just when your ready to dismis... 
Where is the attractive audio furniture?
I had the same problem and had to custom build my own. You just can't go out and buy the perfect stand, size, style ect. 
digital vs vinyl thoughts
" Go to a store that has both in high end equipment and listen for yourself " who hasn't. In fact you can go to your own system if your sources are equal and listen, I have, and my digital and analog systems are very close, but different, except t... 
Let's hear from Long Time Owners
Tick? How about seeking out grand audio components to cultivate our passion and love for music. 
Buzz or hum
It does sound like a ground loop or 60 HZ hum. Chassis grounding usually solves this problem.I love these threads it gives me the opportunity to use my old adage, again. " why did the amp hum, because it didn't no the words ". 
digital vs vinyl thoughts
Yes. And one person's bias and narrow minded opinion means nothing. If he would list his analog and digital components maybe we could see why he has this problem with digital. My guess is he won't. 
The best digital IC, period.
A friend brought over a MIT digital balanced cable a while back, $3500. The best I've heard but just a bit pricy for me. Back to my cheap $1000 beater cable. 
Are audiophiles people of sound prejudice?
I think any audiophile/music lover thats been at it for a while will go into an audio room for the first time with an open mind, and ears.There are many that seem to think they know it all and go to an audition with many preconceived idea's. 
Looking for a softer tube
I don't think you'll find a soft tube, there made of glass. 
Best Sounding CD / SACD player under 15K
Ayre C5. Best I heard at any price, Added an ARC DAC for when we want a more analog like presentation. 
Which Cables Are of Most Importance?
Well said Musicxyz, I totally agree. 
Maggie owners opinions wanted
If you can get up the extra coin, the 3.7's are far superior to the 3.6's, first panel speaker I could listen to for long. 
Granite and digital..
My experience with granite has been that it works poorly on most front end components but can be wonderbar under some speakers, sandstone is even better and with less audible anomalies.