

Responses from three_easy_payments

KOETSU VERMILION and audio research PH7
Koetsu work very well with SUTs into an MM stage, but that PH7 phono is not at all flexible enough to use like that. I say it’s absolutely to get a new phono stage. Don’t invest so much into such a wonderful cartridge and then squander it! I go... 
XLR cable with warmth without losing resolution
Tellurium Q Black series 
Can tubes cancel tubes?
You want the best possible sound signal going into your linestage....period.  It doesn't matter if it's a SS or tube signal - it just needs to be producing the type of sound that appeals to you.  I much prefer my tube phono stages going into my tu... 
Balanced DAC — XLR or SE ouputs?
I believe the Schiit Gungnir Multibit DAC XLR outputs are true balanced. With this said, in some cases as @tweak1 points out the quality of the cabling can make a big difference - in fact I recently experimented with a "decent" XLR vs a "fantastic... 
Pre amp and Power amp advice needed
@chorus   I had a Cary 120 running my Tannoy FSMs 94 sens. 4ohms.Tired of tubes issues I sold it and bought a Pass Labs XA25. I had a similar journey with the Cary 120 a couple of years ago.  It was just too noisy with such a large array of tube... 
Focal sopra 2/Gryphon Diablo 300 not good match
If you otherwise like the Focal house sound then this should be a great pairing.  What you are describing is an extreme version of my dislike for the Focal house sound - which I find thin, bright and all about detail.  Perhaps all that power from ... 
Pre amp and Power amp advice needed
I'm not sure that the Rogue accomodates the EL34 that you like, does it?  If I had those speakers I'd probably consider a couple of EL34 integrated choices like the  VTL IT-85 on the higher end of power and the Leben 600x on the lower end.  I thi... 
Help Match Cables To Gear Please
why is that people with 1 total post always same the same thing? 
Lumin T2 burn in time?
I know Lumin did a firmware update at the beginning June.  You may want to confirm you have it. 
Help Match Cables To Gear Please
Over the past 6 months I've been converting my ICs to Tellurium Q and replacing my Cardas Clear Lights.  I find the TQ's provide a very organic and neutral presentation at a really nice price point. 
PS Direct Stream Vs. Lumin X 1 Sound quality difference?
Ozzy - have you considered going with a standalone DAC to give yourself more flexibility?  I feel like the X1 is too much of commitment combining the streaming transport in the same box as the DAC.  I'm sure it sounds fantastic though. 
Help Match Cables To Gear Please
I believe wire can definitely impact tone but where you get into trouble is when you try to use wire to "fix" tone problems/dislikes associated with other parts of your system.  I've gone down that path and ultimately have always replaced the offe... 
Lumin T2 burn in time?
When I purchased my Lumin U1 I was told by the manufacturer's rep that 500-600 hrs were needed for burn-in.  However my unit sounded great out of the box and I can't say I really noticed much of an improvement over time.  The U1 is a digital trans... 
Digital Coax, optical, or RCA for use with my Bluesound Node player?
If you're streaming over 96kHz then I'd stop using the optical and move to digital connection.  There can be a bandwidth limitation with optical cables.   
System problem
I'd definitely check the tubes and fuses in the EAR 912.