

Responses from three_easy_payments

McIntosh C 47 phono stage versus the Herron phono.
If you're looking for a "rich and full sound" from a phono pre just keep in mind that the Herron isn't the most "tubey" sounding pre out there.  It's quite clear and neutral and almost has a SS character.  It uses a FET-based MC gain stage so it's... 
Itching to upgrade preamp...
Budget?  What kind of sonics are you trying to achieve?  If you're interested in a tube pre I will note that I have my Pass XA30.8 paired with a VAC Ren MKV linestage.  Great synergy with a smooth, liquid tubey Class A sound.  With it's transforme... 
Lumin or Aurender
@hgeifman   Superb guidance! 
Lumin or Aurender
I don't think you'll do better than this for even less than your budget...no affiliation.https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649595856-lumin-a1/I use a Lumin U1 which is solely a streamer and I'm extremely impressed with the SQ.  If you're looking... 
If I upsample digital flac 16/44 to hires 24/192 is the sound equal to native 24/192
I've tried both ways and I'm not a fan of upsampling/DSPing at all. A little upsampling (to DSD perhaps) can sometimes make a poor DAC sound more euphonic...sometimes. 
Measuring line noise and power conditioners
I guess I never thought that hash on the AC line was associated with any frequency....I assumed it was an equal opportunity offender of all frequencies regardless of where you were measuring the dB reduction. 
Measuring line noise and power conditioners
@erik_squires You are measuring starting at 20 kHz and going up. That is, these devices START measuring noise at the upper limit of human hearing. It's hard to imagine noise on your line only affecting one portion of the frequency range.  So in o... 
Measuring line noise and power conditioners
@slaw Do you like your Alpha Labs meter?  Been thinking about picking one up. 
VAC Preamplifiers
@joecasey   Thanks for sharing that link.  I completely identify with the reviewer as I too have a thing for combining tube preamps with SS Class A amplifiers.  Combining a VAC Ren MKV with a Pass XA30.8 makes for wonderful synergy in my home.  I ... 
Qobuz or Tidal?
same thread 4 days ago.  Holy Groundhog Day Batman!https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/qobuz-vs-tidal?highlight=qobuz%2Bor%2Btidal  
Aqua La Scala Optologic Mk2 on the cheap, used and sub $3000?
@nquery  Ah yes, I see you are correct...they did make the change to engine 53. 
Aqua La Scala Optologic Mk2 on the cheap, used and sub $3000?
@nquery  I think the Atlantic TRP does however check all the boxes you noted above though. 
Aqua La Scala Optologic Mk2 on the cheap, used and sub $3000?
@ianderson I had recently been looking for a DAC in the same price range as the La Scala Optologic Mk2 and eventually decided to place an order for a Lampi Atlantic TRP.  I think it's less forward than the Amber 3 and may provide the sonic charact... 
Go Buy Some Music You Deadbeat Streamers!
It used to be the artists had to tour to promote their albums to make money.  Now (COVID crisis aside) they have to record albums to promote their tours - which is how they now make money.   
All-in-one integrated, 10-15K range, class A/B only
@essrand   Agreed on the distasteful comments about price range, as if only morons would possibly shop for products that cost 10-$15K.  I wish people would keep their sense of value to themselves - it's quite off-putting shaming someone who has a ...