

Responses from three_easy_payments

Doe you enjoy your listening to music and your system more with others or alone?
The last thing I'm trying to do with my immersion in audio is impress others.  I'm in this to stir my soul.   
Prima Lunacy? (SuperTubeClock)
Oddly, as recently as 7 months ago @millercarbon had been recommending Prima Luna integrateds.https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/seeking-advice-upgrading-decades-old-audio-system/post?highli...Apparently the conditions for the Chinese workers ... 
What makes for a "good" musician?
Highly subjective but if I were to assign one quality that must be present in a great musician, he or she must have found their own "voice".   
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
How many engineering credits and technician apprenticeship hours were required prerequisites to join this forum again?...I forget. 
Lumin or Aurender
@bo1972  that was a 1/2 paragraph away from being a shameless sales pitch ;-) 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
Whole bunch of guys say something all authoritative as if they actually know something, when more often than not its just them repeating something they heard or read somewhere. But everyone says it so it must be true. Baloney!   If someone's pass... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
There are only a handful of brilliant, successful, and incredibly successful guitarists who consider themselves "gearheads" and do any real hands-on work with their instruments.  Does that mean they don't derive incredible joy from playing a guita... 
Just received my new Luxman CL-1000 pre-amp.
Congrats and glad you're enjoying the new Luxman! This does have me thinking I'd love to hear someone's review of the MQ-300. 
Aurender's "Sound"
@erik_squires  I've been thinking about the whole upsampling thing. While it does not provide more data, it does change the behavior of the upper octave's filter, sometimes by a couple of dB. A significant, audible amount. Native, bit perfect is... 
Best tube preamplifier for under $15k
The VAC Ren MKV is fantastic and it's the one I use in my main rig right now.  Got mine used (w/o phono) for $5K.  I've read a number of others, including dealers, that you have to move up a significant amount to the Master ($27K) to get a meaning... 
Don't like vinyl
now please return all your vinyl this direction ;-) 
What are the DACs that use good circuits in the Audio sections?
+1 @roberjerman re: Lampizator 
DAC volume controls
I don't believe the A10 has an analog volume control correct? That will make a huge difference in sound quality and is why the going through the preamp sounds better. Even the Bartok uses a digital volume control but it's supposed to be quite nice... 
Rush Permanent Waves 40th Anniversary
Interestingly I streamed the 40th anniversary title last week and had the same impression - very digital and compressed sounding.  I expected something better and wondered how the vinyl would sound. 
Primaluna evo 400 - unmatched tubes
Upscale marks the measurements on the tube boxes they sell you.  Just make sure they are somewhere in the same ballpark.  Over time your tubes will no longer match as they begin to drift anyway...hence auto-bias kicks in on your amp.  I wouldn't o...