

Responses from three_easy_payments

Isolation Devices
apparently w/o voice inflection sarcasm is difficult for some to detect ;-) 
Need Footers for Amps on Isolation Platforms?
but there also could be negative effects introduced such as a bit of hardness in the treble. This has been my experience. 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
@ebm SYMPOSIUM ULTRA STEALTH with copper spikes(amp stand) with CRITICAL MASS CENTER STAGE 2 1 1/2 inch feet for best sound.Get them together ASAP Nasaman!!HELLO!! I have something similar that works well - my amp sits on a Symposium Ultra platfo... 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
I've recently been replacing my feet under most components with platforms after much A/B testing.  Using a Symposium Ultra platform under my amp with great results.  
Odin, Spirit of the Water
I had no idea Stewart had a musical career before comedy! 
Power Conditioner Cables
The ability to hear material benefit from power cord changes is highly dependent on how resolving your system is.   
Pass XA 25 versus Parasound A21+ - anyone compare?
Reno HiFi has a generous return policy on their Pass gear.  very little to lose by trying it out.  I agree with @teajay 's characterization. 
Mesa Boogie vs Fender
I still have a little Mesa .22 Studio from around 1992.  It sounds very neutral to me compared to the vintage Fenders which benefit from more headroom - brighter and sparkling and able to playing "chunkier" without breaking up. 
DAC upgrade suggestion
All of these posters rave about how superior the R2R DAC's are....yet I suspect none of them have heard Lampizator's  DS53 digital engine, a derivative of the digital engine used in their Pacific DAC. They’ve standardized this Delta-Sigma design t... 
purchasing US made speakers
What is your amp? 
PS Audio BHK Pre Amp and Herron VTPH-2A Phono Pre Users
I think I’m having deja vu with this thread...https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/ps-audio-bhk-versus-herron-vtsp-3a-ro2 Wait...same poster?   
Most organic / real / analogue sounding DAC (ideally with Volume Control) for $1500??????
I think my point is being missed as I’m a huge analog guy - vinyl is by far the most enjoyable and emotionally stirring format to listen to music provided you are set up properly, which is unfortunately linked to a price floor. In my experience th... 
Mesa Boogie vs Fender
Not being a smart a$$ but the SQ of the Fender will sound more like a Fender.  There is just a signature sound of their early 60's amps.   
Most organic / real / analogue sounding DAC (ideally with Volume Control) for $1500??????
The irony is that a good $1500 DAC will sound better (dynamics, soundstage, detail) than a $1500 analog rig - but it won't sound more analog.   
Which one produces a bigger change... changing a rectifier tube or tubes on my DAC?
@brownsfan   +1  It really comes down to tube selection.