

Responses from three_easy_payments

Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying
So I have the Lumin U1 and use the Lumin app.  I occasionally will play files off a thumb drive plugged into the USB input and the Lumin app sees the files just fine.  It should see your hard drive fine.  I would check with Angus Leung with Lumin ... 
Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying
@ozzy No it just has a powered ac/dc wall wart plug.Surely it has a USB output?  You should be able to connect your hard drive to the USB input on the X1.http://www.luminmusic.com/lumin-x1.html#product-gallery-4  
Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying
@ozzy I believe you can simply connect your hard drive to your network and Lumin will see it. At least that’s the way Lumin’s own L1 network attached storage works. Does your hard drive have a network connector?http://www.luminmusic.com/lumin-l1.h... 
best hi res streaming service for jazz?
I listen to mainly jazz myself and prefer Qobuz catalog and sound quality...it’s better than Tidal as well IMO.There's a free trial so just see what you think.  Tidal has a free trial as well. 
My Experience with Symposium Acoustics and Cardas Clear Beyond....
so of course now we don't know which made the bigger impact - the cabling or the isolation! In the end it doesn't matter because you have attained sonic bliss.  Enjoy! 
Gender bender
From the opposite end, in 1956 Elvis leveraged his popularity to sell 10 million copies of "Hound Dog" which was originally performed by Big Mama Thornton in 1952.  Big Mama's version was infinitely better and helped shape rock and roll for guys l... 
What About Kuzma?
This was a nice review earlier this year:http://www.hifiplus.com/articles/kuzma-stabi-s-turntable-4point-9-tonearm-and-car40-mc-cartridge/  
What About Kuzma?
I own a Stabi S and really enjoy it.  Yes, it flies under the radar because there are very few US dealers (made in Slovenia).  High value for money, mass-loaded design and runs flawlessly.  I'm considering upgrading mine to the 4Point arm and then... 
phono/preamp analog front end
@atmasphere  Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and provide the link. 
phono/preamp analog front end
@testpilot The Herron uses external loading plugs, although the designer feels it sounds best unloaded. Interestingly I have always found my Herron to sound better with loading - and in fact at a loading usually very close to cartridge manufacture... 
DAC upgrade suggestion
I bought a Topping DX7 pro based on the good data in audio science review.com. Those guys base every recommendation on measurements and not listening. 
Best tube preamplifier for under $15k
@mikem   I'm not sure why you'd need to spend $900 on a Freya when you have a perfectly acceptable iPhone and earbuds that sound just fine.  
Best SQ Boost for Budget?...
Upgrade to a subscription service that allows you to stream hi-res, lossless music.  
phono/preamp analog front end
@atmasphere  Just so I understand, you're saying that all phono preamps that have a loading switch inherently haven't effectively dealt with RFI issues in their design?   
Jazz for aficionados (removed)
Perhaps I need to start a thread  "Jazz for Non-Political Aficionados".