

Responses from three_easy_payments

Most organic / real / analogue sounding DAC (ideally with Volume Control) for $1500??????
Sounds like you should stick to analog at that budget.   
Cheap/expensive or expensive/cheap?
Let's use the words "good" and "bad" instead of "expensive" and "cheap" because they aren't always linearly related.  A good system with a bad power cable will sound better than a bad system with a good power cable.  Same applies to all other cabl... 
Are cables really worth their high price because of their geometry?
I'm always shocked by how many "audiophiles" are basically saying: "I don't care what I hear, show me the data!" 
Estate Sales
It's a great way to build your Pat Boone collection. 
PS Audio BHK lacking..
What kind of qualities do you enjoy most in your music and what music do you play most often?  Easier to recommend tubes knowing what you like....warmth, speed, soundstage, strong bass, lots of air, treble sparkle, etc... 
Who, do you think, designs the best looking tube-based devices?
Nagra tube products always look very nice too. 
Who, do you think, designs the best looking tube-based devices?
@twoleftears   beat me to it.  Airtight is gorgeous. +1 
Everything Matters With Digital
I can't tell if this thread is being facetious.  Lately the digital thread themes seem to revolve around "nothing matters in digital other than a 0 and 1 making it to its destination".  It's as if no one has ever listened to the differences betwee... 
Wolf alpha 3sx streamer vs lumin u1
Thanks @newtoncr 
Wolf alpha 3sx streamer vs lumin u1
@newtoncr  How was the Lumin compared to the Innuous? 
Wolf alpha 3sx streamer vs lumin u1
The Wolf is about 60% more than the U1 so I'd expect it to be better. 
Anybody want a laugh?
The whole thread was started to tee up a statement like this: Where it all falls apart for me, is how obviously bright people can somehow shut off or disable their critical thinking skills and allow themselves to be taken on a magic carpet ride wh... 
Anybody want a laugh?
The argument among those like the OP is always that we are simply transmitting 0’s and 1’s within a square (-ish) wave. But there is never any attention paid to how that square wave gets from point A to point B - it’s as if it is conveyed by magic... 
Anybody want a laugh?
The purpose of this post was argument baiting. 
Flexible/Compliant Speaker Cables
Auditorium 23 sound fantastic and are easy to handle/manage