

Responses from three_easy_payments

Lumin upgrade - built-in or separate DAC?
Interesting.  I have the U1 but always thought the U1 mini came reasonably close in performance.  The isolation from the casing and power supply are definitely better in the U1 and plus the U1 can do DSD 512 and PCM 768Hz while the Mini only goes ... 
Lumin upgrade - built-in or separate DAC?
@veerossi When you say you're looking to upgrade to "something better" what qualities are you looking to improve upon? You will need to spend a bit to get a significantly better DAC (which would make the most difference) but if you did that you'd ... 
Stillpoints Ultra 6 vs Critical Mass Center Stage 2
@audiotroy  appears to be drunk typing at 4:46am???   I know his spelling and typing prowess are typically much better than that. 
Burn In... the Age Old Question, Cables, Components, and Speakers
We really need a single thread where all the shaming and admonishment can be focused, thereby freeing up the rest of the board for friendlier exchanges.   
How deadly is transformer hummm...
SET amps can inherently be a bit hummy but should not be to the point you can't enjoy the music. I've read reviews of $20K Air Tight 300b's where the reviewer noted hum from the power supply.  With the Line Magnetic 805ia (for example) there are h... 
What have you been working on in 2020?
I’ve been "working on" listening to a lot of music. I’m not tearing my gear apart and stuffing it with duct tape and baling wire to make it sound better. Since March music is on 12 hrs per day and it’s offsetting a bit of the darkness created by t... 
Upgrade to my system - Speakers maybe
Wait for it...wait for it....any moment now we will be graced by a poster who will exclaim:"Tekton! The best speaker in the world at any price and you’d have to be an idiot who can’t hear well and/or enjoys wasting money to even consider any other... 
Should a reference speaker be neutral, or just great sounding?
It's like Robert Parker Jr giving a 95 rating to a bottle of red.  The score is calibrated to his own personal palate not some standardized neutral bottle of wine.  When you follow his wine ratings you get to know more about his own personal prefe... 
Should a reference speaker be neutral, or just great sounding?
Isn't it simply the "reference" to what makes you enjoy listening to music the most? By saying a reference has to be neutral starts getting dangerously close to saying it must also measure best (or at least incredibly well).  Once we take the emot... 
PS Direct Stream Vs. Lumin X 1 Sound quality difference?
@ozzy First impression, perhaps a little sharp sounding, but its new and I assume a break in adventure is needed. I know this was written back on July 7 so perhaps this has resolved with burn-in, but I was curious if you have been using the Stil... 
Looking for new speakers
You will get this with better speakers. Excuse me. Tektons. Don't hold me to that if you decide on something else. lmao! Whatever... 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
@mamothguy54   three easy payments, I believe that ebm is describing to use the Critical Mass Center Stage as footers under the amp and, thus, between the amp and the Ultra Stealth platform. That makes sense.  I've spoken to Peter before and in ... 
Looking for a speaker cable with a relaxed sound.
To further @millercarbon's point, and although I suggested a cable that brings some qualities to the table, it's been my experience that you shouldn't try to fix sonic problems with cables.  Cables should enhance the qualities you already like abo... 
Anyone moved on from an Auralic Vega to Lampizator?
I moved from a Vega G1 to a Lampi Atlantic TRP.  Huge upgrade if your sensibilities in digital lean towards trying to achieve a sound closer to an analog front end. I found the Auralic line to be a bit cold and analytical in presentation and Lampi... 
Looking for a speaker cable with a relaxed sound.
Wireworld Eclipse 8 would fit that bill.