

Responses from three_easy_payments

30w class A amp for Joseph Audio perspective 2?
yep, or the Pass XA30.8.  Stays in Class A up to 61w 
For anyone who moved from tubes to solid state — a question
In my experience it’s all about matching the amp and speakers. When I was running Spendor D7’s and moved from a Cary tube amp to a Pass XA30.8 SS amp (with actually less watts) I realized a substantially better bass foundation, articulation, and s... 
MM phono preamplifier
@jperry   Not sure I understand the specs on the Leben.  23.5dB gain? So when used with a SUT it is only useful paired with MM or high-output MC carts? 
What's the deal with Vintage Tube Service?
Yeah, Brent Jessee is quick...usually by the next day and he uses PayPal. Not cheap, but you can trust what you're getting. 
Conrad Johnson or PrimaLuna
Now my next amp will be a Raven. Osprey or Reflection? We will see. But one or the other. There simply is nothing else even close, certainly not within reach of my budget. Side by side, I wonder which spews smoke first?   
MM phono preamplifier
Consider the EAR 834P.  You can get it configured as MM only and it's been around forever.  You could probably pick one up used for cheap and it's quite tubey ;-) 
6922 tube
@rodman99999   I agree in the joy tubes can bring, especially to a hobby that is full of some snake oil.  Tubes are definitely not part of the snake oil.   
Conrad Johnson or PrimaLuna
@millercarbonhttps://www.ravenaudio.com/product/nighthawk-mk3-tube-amplifier/No contest. No contest based on what?  All of your listening experiences comparing the CJ, PL, and Raven? Barking out a brand with no context or basis is beyond unuseful. 
What tube pre-amps pair well with Pass amps?
@cakids   +1 ! The bottom line is that preamp quality is more important than using the amp in the balanced mode.  
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
😂😂😂 Where's the crybaby emoji when you need it? Your perfect track record of worthless and condescending comments is squarely intact with no challengers in sight. 
Kt88 or 6550 tube for McIntosh MC275
another piece of advice... don’t chase old stock power tubes I tend to agree, unless they are 1950s NOS GEC KT66's. 
500 albums in a basement flood--worth saving?
Will you listen to them? I find my records sound best out of the sleeve ;-)   
6922 tube
I've tried several NOS 6922 pairs in my VAC preamp and settled on 1961 NOS Amperex after finding the Mullards a bit too warm and Siemens much too bright. The Dutch made Bugle Boys were my goldilocks tubes ;-) 
6922 tube
You'd have to be near deaf not to be able to tell the difference between a NOS 6922 Siemens and Mullard.   
Alternative speaker suggestion to B&W 805d3
I suspect the Rogue CMII pairing your B&W's isn't ideal.  To my ears KT120 amps tend to sound bright and a more sensitive speaker (than 88dB) may also coax a tad more rich tube sound from the same amp.  Can you roll tubes in that amp? I think ...