

Responses from three_easy_payments

Alternative speaker suggestion to B&W 805d3
sounds like Harbeth may provide you with a standmount listening experience you may prefer in a similar price range with similar specs. 
Rolling pre tubes question
If you have a preamp where you need to remove the cover to access the tubes you need it to be off (and best unplugged) for about 30 minutes first before rolling tubes to insure hazardous voltages in the power supply have had time to discharge. Not... 
Hum with Ypsilon MC26L SUT that goes away with touching
@kanchi647   Are you suggesting to connect another wire between ground post from VPS 100 to Cary SLP 05? I do not see a grounding post on SLP 05. I'm saying ground your SUT to something.  In my case I have a grounding post on my SUT and also one ... 
Hum with Ypsilon MC26L SUT that goes away with touching
My hum disappears fully when I attached a wire between the grounding posts on the SUT and my phono preamp.  Not sure if you said if tried that above. 
Amp matching for Klipsch Forte III
In my second system I run my Cary SLI-80HS through a pair of Forte III's.  The synergy is fantastic.  Not the last word in detail or nuance but a really fun enjoyable listen.  Forte III's like tubes. 
Who puts their speakers right up against the back wall and why?
AN speakers typically (not always) sound best corner loaded. 
Margin on speaker sales by high end dealer
You can't look at gross margin in a vacuum.  You need to understand the dealer's monthly overhead cost/cost of operations.  That's why it's so important to push volume through.  Only through volume can you even start to cover the fixed monthly ove... 
I'm in complete agreement with @charles1dad.  With the OP's speakers the tube pre and SS amp makes the most sense and is the path of least resistance to a nice sound.  And all things equal I have no idea why folks who love tube amps wouldn't want ... 
What tube pre-amps pair well with Pass amps?
I have a Pass XA30.8 paired with a VAC Renaissance MK5 preamp.  Works very well together musically bolstered by design compatibility in impedance, gain, and both having fully differentially balanced circuits.  Drop a pair of NOS 6922 into the VAC ... 
@audition__audio   +1It is ridiculously stupid to suggest that tube watts are greater than SS watts.  Tube amps sound "better" however to me and it's excatly about the even order harmonics, soft clipping,  and the fact tubes have more linear trans... 
Margin on speaker sales by high end dealer
The reality is that the vast majority of audio dealers are not getting rich.  The only way to make real money in this business is to scale up large and push a ton of volume through every month.  Music Direct and Upscale Audio do this and probably ... 
What Combinations of Components Have You Put Together That Sound Good?
Line Magnetic 805ia (48w SET Class A with 300B driver tubes) paired with DeVore O/96's.  Really quite impressive synergy in my system. 
Audioquest Niagara 1200
No, definitely will not hurt it. 
Audioquest Niagara 1200
I've listened both ways with my 1200 and ended up plugging my preamp into a high current slot.  My VAC preamp has a robust separate power power supply that I feel benefits from the high current. 
My testing confirms 16/88 is the best sounding sample rate
I'm just relieved that this question is finally settled so definitively.